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Found 3 results

  1. Movie Review: "Love and Mercy", a film biography of musical genius Brian Wilson. I just saw this beautiful film tonight and was so deeply moved by the story that I went back to see it again an hour later, to spend more time immersed in the life of Brian Wilson. I'm surprised it's not been reviewed here previously, as the movie so beautifuly and powerfully portrays insights well-discussed here on FDR, including: the long-term impact of child abuse on character development and personal happiness the lonlieness of genius the importance of strong Attachment to worthy individuals how child abuse can establish a pattern of exploitation the beauty of life and the creative impulse the beauty of loving Attachment Highly recommended! I also found the film to be Fun, a great set of vicarious experiences, and full of good music! Spoiler alert: To experience the Film "fresh", delay reading below until after you've seen the film. . . Spoiler altert! . . Early in the film, we learn that musical genius Brian Wilson had been brutally abused throughout his childhood. His unrepentantly abusive father continues to abuse him as an adult and continues to exploit his offspring financially as well through his control of the business side of their highly successful pop band, "The Beach Boys". When the abusive father is finally "fired", Brian next falls under the control of an unrepentantly abusive clinical psychologist. In the end, he is saved after he forms a strong Attachment with a Worthy woman.
  2. In response to Stef's "The Truth About Makeup" video I've published a video on the male equivalent of makeup. Hope you enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqsjnLvd62Y&feature=youtu.be
  3. I’m talking about physical beauty not internal. I noticed that the idea of what is beautiful tends to change with time and culture. Examples: The in Mayan culture crossed eyed individuals are attractive. Greeks or Romans liked big foreheads. …etc I remember Stefan talking about how back then being strong wasn’t attractive because it meant you worked in the fields. I have this idea that I experiment with. In where I try to ignore all culture and just look at individuals as a fresh pieces of art. I noticed that when I leave all the culture behind what makes someone “attractive” is their hygiene , and presentation/style. So it makes me think can beauty be objective? “Beautify is in the eye of the beholder” - or in the hand of time and culture?
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