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Found 3 results

  1. I'm subscribed to an atheist cartooner on YouTube that I think is really funny named DarkMatter2525. He's just released the last episode in this funny series on a crazy story in the Bible following the lore of the mighty and great Samson (Judges 13-16). The trilogy's end is hilarious, though the first two are pre-requisite. Pull up a bible on biblegateway.com to compare it side by side with the trilogy as you watch it and it's a good time. ;D collective length: 37 minutes Part one Part two Part three What do you think of DarkMatter/DarkAntic's work?
  2. This is the best thing I've seen in a long time. Just watch the videos on their channel & check out the website. All children should have these toys & this coupled with peaceful parenting will make awesome children. http://thekronies.com
  3. I took my liberty to point out what ideas do I get during my plentiful listenings to Stefan's radio show. I think Stefan's great with psychological and philosophical themes, but when it comes to the economic system itself, I can see there's a work for me. I can't improve what is perfect, but I can show a mirror to what I think is flawed - but fun! I did my best to keep the comic strips tasteful and intelligent and maybe even funny. However, be sure I'll post them on many occasions when I need to illustrate a point, literally. I'll add more when I get any other ideas. 10 in the first day is good enough. Please mods, if you like the topic, make it sticky To all the offended parties I profusely apologize.
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