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  1. I just wanted to present my theory regarding race, genetics and intelligence because I may be party to some rare knowledge which I came about as a result of getting my genetics mapped by 23andMe a few years ago. I was rather astonished when I got my results back to discover that my maternal haplogroup, i.e. based on my mitochondrial DNA this was the population from I was descended via my mother, turned out to be M1a which I discovered was possibly Ancient Israelite. I am of Scots/Irish descent and so this was a huge surprise. Indeed, according to 23andMe, my DNA is more than 95% British and Irish which would tend to suggest that my maternal haplogroup wasn't an outlier and must be relatively common among various populations of the UK. A little while later, while attempting to make sense of my maternal haplogroup, I learned about the 12 tribes of Israel. Despite being brought up Catholic, this was news to me. It seems that 10 of the twelve tribes were missing in action from around the 7th century BC. I waded through a lot of strange stuff on YouTube but I became fairly convinced that there must be something in the story that the descendents of the missing 10 tribes had populated Europe, many of them coming to the British Isles. There are even sources which state that the Celts actually called themselves Hebrews. Now, why do I think this is related to race, genetics and intelligence specifically? Well, it seems that M1a is one of the common maternal haplogroups of the Ashkenazi Jews. Now, I don't have the Ashkenazi genetic marker although I've just realised that I don't know if that marker is present on the paternal Y or maternal X chromosome so there might be a little issue with my theory. However, what I had previous thought was that my maternal ancestor split from the root Ancient Israelite population that gave birth to the Ashkenazis before they acquired their particular Ashkenazi marker. When I was six I scored highly on a Weschler IQ test (WISC). So, essentially, my theory is that the Ashkenazi Jews are actually a subpopulation of a larger group, some of whom are actually descendants of the Celts and live in the British Isles. This would also to my mind explain the huge contribution of the Scots, Irish, Welsh and English to science, literature, philosophy, etc., etc., over the centuries. This is actually the result of our descent from a base population with shared roots with the Ashkenazi Jews who are acknowledged to have the highest IQs. If the kinship of British or European Ancient Israelite to the Ashkenazis were studied I suspect that together we would jointly be top of the IQ scale. There's a lot of interesting stuff out there which supports my theory, e.g. search for The Scottish Declaration of Independence 1320, which refers to them being "the people of Israel". There are many other sources too which link the Scots, Welsh and Irish to the Hebrews. It would be interesting to know if anyone else with a similar background has discovered similar unexpected ancestral roots after doing a genetic test and what people think of my theory.
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