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  1. Hello Everyone My friend and I created a Chinese translation of FDR's 'The Facts About Spanking' video. My friend did the translation and I edited everything together. If you know anyone who speaks Chinese or who knows people who speak Chinese, feel free to share the video with them. Also, many of the sources cited in FDR's original video are secondary sources so I've added several other primary sources related to corporal punishment which you may find useful. I have listed the new sources below, along with the video. By the way, I originally tried to send this video to Michael but he stopped responding to me after a few emails. I'm not sure why. I tried to send the video to both Michael and Stefan again but I heard nothing from either of them. Thus, I'm just going to post it here and if they want to use it, that's fine, of course. New sources: Ferguson, C. (2013). Spanking, corporal punishment and negative long-term outcomes: A meta analytic review of longitudinal studies. Clinical Psychology Review, 33, 196-208. Gershoff, E. T. (2002). Corporal Punishment by Parents and Associated Child Behaviors and Experiences: A Meta-Analytic and Theoretical Review. Psychological Bulletin, 128, 539-579. Gershoff, E. T. (2013). Spanking and Child Development: We Know Enough Now to Stop Hitting Our Children. Child Development Perspectives, 7(3), 133-137. Gershoff, E. T., & Bitensky, S. H. (2007). The Case Against Corporal Punishment. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 13(4), 231-272. Gershoff, E. T., & Grogan-Kaylor, A. (2016). Spanking and Child Outcomes: Old Controversies and New Meta-Analyses. Journal of Family Psychology, 1-17. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/fam0000191 Holden, G. W., Coleman, S. M., & Schmidt, K. L. (1995). Why 3-year-old children get spanked: Parent and child determinants as reported by college-educated mothers. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 41(4), 431-452. Mulvaney, M. K., & Mebert, C. J. (2007). Parental Corporal Punishment Predicts Behavior Problems in Early Childhood. Journal of Family Psychology, 21(3), 389-397. States which have prohibited all corporal punishment. (2015, November 14). Retrieved from Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children: http://www.endcorporalpunishment.org Straus, M. A., & Stewart, J. H. (1999). Corporal Punishment by American Parents: National Data on Prevalence, Chronicity, Severity, and Duration, in Relation to Child and Family Characteristics. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 2(2), 55-70. UNICEF. (2014). Hidden in plain sight: A statistical analysis of violence against children. New York, NY: UNICEF. Vittrup, B., & Holden, G. W. (2010). Children's assessments of corporal punishment and other disciplinary practices: The role of age, race, SES, and exposure to spanking. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 31, 211-220. Vittrup, B., Holden, G. H., & Buck, J. (2006). Attitudes Predict the Use of Physical Punishment: A Prospective Study of the Emergence of Disciplinary Practices. Pediatrics, 117, 2055-2064. Why you should never spank a child - major research project confirms dangers. (2016, May 14). Retrieved from The Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/04/26/why-you-should-never-spank-a-child---major-research-project-conf/
  2. I often hear a lot of "Chinese is the language of the future" comments from people who think they are really intelligent. I was thinking it over and I do not believe this to be true. 1. Chinese is very difficult to learn in comparison to English and Spanish and other Languages. 2 China is teaching many of their students Mandarin/English/Spanish while most schools around the world are not learning Mandarin 3. People often believe Chinese is the language of the future simply because the Chinese have a huge population. However, their population is all in one area while English and other mainly European languages spread all over the world. So your thoughts? Will a Chinese language like Mandarin and Cantonese be the language of the future?
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