Can the firm or organization you work for be sociopathic? Yes it can. We tend to think of a job and a workplace as a place to: earn a living, provide job security, provide for healthcare and retirement, and because it allows us to have our "dream job." But companies like people are make up of people who collectively create a "culture." Some companies have a few people who are dedicated, well-suited to the work, and help to others and the company. On the other extreme, there are companies with workers who feel seniority, or length of time at the company, should, in all "fairness", provide privileges and a double standard for them. Many of these very badly run organizations or sociopathic workplaces are overseen by managers or owners who are egotistical, and sadistic. I'm a minority, and have worked in white run and staffed organizations in the mainland U.S. and believe me, they are dead end hell holes. I say this for the minorities out there who are nodding their heads in approval. So if you are one of those individuals working in a sociopathic organization and are taking that slow moving escalator to the moon with the only the hope of false promises at the end of the rainbow, then get off now! Choosing your company wisely is just as important as choosing your friends wisely. How you spend your time, whether at work or play, is devoting a part of your life to a cause and purpose. Life's too short to invest time that you will never get back in an abusive relationship, whether it be at work, at home, or at play.