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Found 3 results

  1. Greetings free domain! I'm turning thirty next month, and expecting a kid next May. I've struggled with addiction and weight for most off my life, all due to my highly dysfunctional family of origin. The last couple years have been a most difficult adventure in discovering self knowledge, and after these last long 8 months of losing 70 pounds, i have also finally kicked my fifteen year addiction to marijuana and cigarettes. I've been sober from the weed for one month and haven't had a cigarette in about two weeks. It's not very long out of the jungle but it is quite an experience so far. My brain seems to be firing on all cylinders for the first time since i was probably five years old. I've been stoned for such a great portion of my life that now sobriety almost feels like a high of its own. Are there any other current or former marijuana users or cigarette smokers here? Perhaps we could open a discussion about why we used or still use, and techniques that led to the quitting process becoming successful. I have a few different paragraphs around my specific history with drugs i'm still editing, but wanted to get this post up and see who might be interested before i include some of that info and run on for too long. Thanks everybody!
  2. CVS Caremark announced that in October of 2014 they will cease the sales of tobacco related products which account for 2 billion in sales. Larry Merlo stated β€œIt's my job at the CEO to ensure that we're positioning the company for not just short term success, but long term success,” "We're evolving into more of a health care company and we're doing many things. We have 26,000 pharmacists and nurse practitioners, who are helping millions of patients across the country everyday, manage conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes - all conditions whose effects are worsened by the impact of smoking.” There is a majority of Americans who oppose smoking. The first national drugstore to ban the sale of cigarettes and related tobacco products might benefit from from being the first to do so, while create a new standard for others to follow. I think this is an example of how the market proactively serves the interest of society before it is demanded of through state compliance. When I was watching this on the news a quote from Barack Obama stating "CVS Caremark sets a powerful example, and today's decision will help advance my administration's efforts to reduce tobacco-related deaths, cancer, and heart disease, as well as bring down health care costs,” . What is the administration proactively doing about tobacco related deaths besides making laws? Source: CBS NEWS
  3. Just a public service announcement, I am 39 days into no cigarettes at all and only a social glass of wine at special events. Not that i had a serious problem with either but I probably spent at least $30 a month on alcohol and cigarettes. I had largely cut back on both already and never had too serious a problem, but decided that both were impractical in my life right now and only crutches and self medication I could cope without. I had already mostly gotten over the chemical addiction and have been doing alot of self work since about August. I have followed Stefan's work since spring of 2012, and participated in FDR since about October. Asking for the community here to care about my problems (i created [aside from my parents contribution]) inspired me to begin donating (and having an income helped). I know for certain that the work to quit was done by me, I also know that I would not have quit had not been for my experiences from Stefan's work, and my interactions with the FDR community. So right now, after having quit cigs and booze and averaging a monthly donation of about $23 (ish?), I net about $7 a month. Thank you Stefan, Micheal and everyone else, you are all the best.
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