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  1. I have been looking around the web for awhile and I haven't really been able to find any topics regarding architecture and libertarianism and I was hoping to begin a discussion about it here if there are any fellow FDR members who are also architects or designers. As an architect I have noticed a strong strain of marxism in most architectural theory I have read. Most theorists seem to desire to use buildings as a way to control people and engineer society through manipulating the way people dwell. Additionally most famous architects and theorists seem to think they can plan out massive communities or swathes of cities in order to force people to live a certain way; however more often than not these large utopian planning schemes turn into massive disasters ie Public Housing Projects, Brasilia Brazil, new urbanist housing schemes, and Chandigarh India are all examples. I really would like to start a conversation with anyone else interested in discussing city planning/ architecture and how it can be practiced in a way that accommodates liberty and how we can move away from the marxist ideas and central planning that have guided architecture and design in the 20th century I'm really interested in hearing what people have to say about these issues regardless of your level of familiarity with the architecture world.
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