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  1. Sadly, I am currently going through the public education process. Thankfully I will be done within a few short years... Anyways, when I was in the 3rd grade a large part of our curriculum was cursive writing. Our teachers always told us we would need cursive for the rest of our lives and be actively practicing cursive throughout our "School Careers". However when I reached the 4th grade this was not the case... Cursive Writing has been completely erased from the curriculum in public schools. After about 2 years all that was learned of Cursive by my peers had been lost, unless parents had been teaching them aside from their normal curriculum. For this I have one question: Why has the state found it fit to stop teaching part of our language? I have thought about this for quite some time... Conservative radio hosts claim that the government is taking away the ability to read The Constitution, While others typically on the "Liberal" (I hate the miss use of this word in american politics so much) side of the argument say that cursive is obsolete and in the way of progress in our computer age. I personally have used my knowledge of cursive writing to read my Grandmothers memoir of her families journey to emigrate from the Weimar Republic to the US, and of their struggles to survive the Great Depression in a poor German community. So for me, cursive writing is a vessel of knowledge and highly revered. What do does Freedomain Radio think? Is the state trying to take away our ability to read and understand our founding documents? Or is it a useless chicken scratch that has no use in the modern age? Maybe something else?
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