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Found 7 results

  1. In podcast 2316 Daniel Mackler, a guest host who is into self-knowledge as much if not more than Stef, asks Stefan how he would determine moral responsibility. Stefan responds by saying moral responsibility is determined via the person's use of morality to influence others' behavior. An example is used where a child molester inherently in his actions is saying to the child "the satisfaction of my wants is the good" while violating that standard with the child because sexual abuse is not something the child wants. I'm confused because I don't know if Stefan means someone is morally responsible for every decision they make following their first use of moral reasoning to another, or if a person is morally responsible for the situation to which he uses moral reasoning to justify his own actions (again to another person). For example... is it: Bob argued why it was ok for him to steal his sister's dollar when he was 6 years old, therefore Bob is morally responsible for every action forward of 6 years old because he has demonstrated an understanding of morality. Or is it... Bob argued why it was ok for him to steal his sister's dollar when he was 6 years old, therefore Bob is now morally responsible for the theft of his sister's dollar. Basically, is that specific action of justifying what you did to another person confirmation of your knowledge of ethics? Or do ethics apply regardless of whether you use ethical arguments to justify your actions to another person? The question is, how would you know someone understood ethics if they didn't try to justify what they did to another person?
  2. The second interview with Daniel Mackler. Here, we talk about the topic of relationships: one's template for relationships, friendship, romantic relationship, sex, boundaries, parent-child relationship, and much more!
  3. I just wanted to let you guys know that Daniel posted his documentaries up on YouTube.I thought it would be nice if more people got exposed to those videos and his documentaries, since I think he is doing a great job.http://www.youtube.com/user/dmackler58(His YouTube page)http://wildtruth.net/ (And his webpage)
  4. Yesterday, Daniel Mackler has announced that all four of his movies are now available for FREE on YouTube (including all subtitled versions). Highly recommended!More information can be found here: http://wildtruth.net/my-films-are-now-free-on-youtube/
  5. My interview with Daniel Mackler (Aug 27, 2013). Topics we cover:1. 00:00 Intro; The Value of Self-Work2. 06:12 The Significance of Childhood Environment3. 12:58 What Is Child Abuse?4. 22:16 Nature vs. Nurture; "Mental Disorders"5. 35:05 The Harm of (Psych) Drugs6. 38:52 Factors and Tools for Healing7. 47:48 False vs. True Help; Advice for Helpers; Growth and Family; Outro
  6. Hello to all Freedomain listeners in the Vancouver, BC area! On Monday, July 29th 8-10pm the West Coast Mental Health Network (WCMHN) will be hosting a special screening of New Documentary "Coming off Psych Drugs: A Meeting of the Minds". $5 suggested donation at the door (hosted at the Unitarian Church of Vancouver). Look forward to seeing other FDR listeners!
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