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Found 5 results

  1. The quest for an unriggable secret ballot. Suppose we used electronic voting machines that gave a printed receipt with the selected candidate along with a twenty digit random number that would also be included on the ballot. After the election, the list of vote numbers would be published so that voters could check that their vote was credited properly. If the names of all the voters was also published then it would be very difficult to pad the record with imaginary ballots. That's my idea for accurate elections. Can you see any weaknesses? Does anybody else know of ways to bullet-proof the election system?
  2. I'm often amazed by the level of discussion people, who think most politicians are corrupt, go into over all sorts of policy details. I think engaging in these debates adds credibility and hope where there should be none and distracts from what we should be doing, which is continuously driving the discussion back to the founding problem we have with any form of elected government. For a democratic decision to be made, voters must be able to make an informed choice. For voters to make an informed choice, candidates must be transparent and honest about what they intend to attempt and, once elected, be accountable to trying primarily to achieve those things. When you buy a sandwich you have the right to a list of ingredients and money back guarantee if those ingredients are missing. When you buy a service that is not provided you have the right to you money back. When you buy a candidate (with your vote, worth about £42k over 5 years in the UK) you have very few rights. So when you do engage in a high end political discussion, or interact with a seemingly lovely stranger on your doorstep who sings the praises of another stranger who the would like you to vote for. Please drive the discussion back to where it should be. Do not vote for a strangers stranger without requiring them to provide you with the 'Voter Consumer Rights' you and your community need and deserve to be protected from rip off merchants. If an educated public can not even request facts from representatives seeking election...we are far from ready for functioning anarchy. https://www.facebook.com/smart.voter.org/photos/pb.1415501838715507.-2207520000.1443447230./1625156991083323/?type=3&theater Please consider the system suggested in http://smart-voter.org
  3. A question I'm asking myself. If you know of a working definition please share. Or help me pick apart mine. 1. Slave: someone whose bounds on freedom and ownership of property is limited by the coercion of someone else. 2. Democratized Slave: someone whose bounds on freedom is limited, a portion of their property distributed, by coercion of the masses. I'm looking for the minimum qualifications.
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