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  1. FDR has given me a lot, and it's time to give back. Money is not currency in this community, but self knowldge is. I am an avid reader of self help books, I read about 2 or 3 a year. One in particular I have read about 10 times and it is still my solid companion wherever I go. For me this book, is goes beyond the obvious. It explains the why there is trauma when parents neglect children. In a a nutshell this books goes into detail why we are not happy in the moment, why we need to practice short term acceptance in order to achieve long term changes and happiness. Acceptance is practised by not trying to change the truth. This is what causes anguish and frustration, I have come to terms with what I now identify as "existential pain". Whish I define as being uncomfrotable without realling knowing why. Me explaining this topic is doing this book an injustice. http://www.ahalmaas.com/books/diamond-heart-2-freedom-to-be I would appreciate comments about this topic, from people who have read the book rather than summaries of the book. I would give a shout out to Mr Molyneux himself to give the book a try. It would make for an excellent podcast reviewing the book. I am not affiliated with this orgasiation in any way. Enjoy the read Karabesh
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