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  1. I've been away from this community for a lot of time now since I last discovered FDR and some of you may recognize me from a couple of mouths ago (or something like that I'm not sure) and since then some things have happened with some FDR members that have been troubling me.... a lot, torturing me emotionally really and this is the reason why I have been away for so long. This topic is not about what happened in and of itself but the consequences that it has on my credibility in this community. Ok enough with the abstactions. I was in a Skype group with some FDR members and sometime after the formation of said group I did something extremelly inapropriate and dysfunctional (that I'm not confortable telling here) and some of the members deemed it evil (which now in insight I don't find it to be the case at all). After that I felt very disaproved off and some time after I got ostracized from said group. After these events the true nightmare began. In the midst of my thoughts and emotions an argument arose which has been haunting me: P1-The FDR community is based on reputation. P2-People with bad reputation or who did horrible things get ostracized. P3-I did a horrible thing. P4-FDR members know each other to the extent that they will tell each other to not engage with me. C1-I'm gonna get ostricized from the whole community P5-Generally people who are ostricized by the FDR community are bad people. C2-I'm a bad person. And this argument has made me very anxious and fearful of ever engaging with anyone other than zombies (almost becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy). Untill now. Sorry for the long post. I just wanted to get it of my chest. Comments, sugestions, thoughts, opinions... they are all very welcome. Thank you for your atention.
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