Hey Everyone!
After 3 years of thinking about this, ive finally put out a call on thsi forum for fellow Building Entheisiasts be they Architects, Architect students (like me), engineers relating to buildings or building in some way.
I would like to connect with those whom i nto onyl share MORAL values but also academic and Career related values!
Because as you may already know it is a damn shame and also really depressing if you find philosofy but then find out you have little or nothing else in common with thsoe engaged in rational discourse.
If anyone wants to contact me and have friendly chat about philosofy AND career and mutual interests. Well post her first and then we shall see.
PS. Other interests include, problems solving, science, chesmistry, food, health, video games, CREATIVITY and Fantasy art/DND. ect.
PPS. I can hear my childhood self going like this atm: