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Found 5 results

  1. I had to read it several times and I still can't grasp it fully. Sigh. So the time has come to start 'abandoning the sinking ship'? We don't deserve it anymore it seems. Here's the article about the European Union's escalating push for a Dublin reform Why did we allow our EMPs to vote with 390 yes, 175 no votes and 44 abstentions? I'm awestruck and starting to notice my thoughts regularly wondering towards seeking out a new place where people have integrity and actually 'walk the walk' the opposite direction. How can we be so removed so that now 'there's actual plans being drawn up to sell our houses from above our heads'? Well, I guess the security and public sector gonna boom for a short while at first from all that 'wellcoming and smooth-integration'. I haven't seen many outlets bringing this issue up. 'Is it a duck?' I hope someone corrects me. Barnsley
  2. The big question that determines the economic effect on Britain of the Brexit is how big a bitch the EU will be towards it. If the EU decides to be calm, rational and to arrange the trade deal that will most benefit it's remaining members then Brexit won't cause major harm to Britain or the EU. If they attempt to punish Britain for it's desire to leave them both Europe and England will be significantly harmed. The greater the degree of malice and spite the greater the harm. So EU leaders, will they be calm and sane, basically reasonable but a little bitchy, basically bitchy but with some reason or sugar-in-your-ex's-tank spiteful?
  3. Recently the EU imposed regulations affecting the materials used for the production of harp strings, the biggest manufacturer of which is in the UK. (Bow Brand) I doubt very much that the royalty over at the EU cared much when just about every classical harpist in the US began experiencing strings snapping right and left, unpredictably and disastrously disturbing performances. Keep in mind that 35 of a harp's 47 strings are made of (EU contaminated) gut, that those strings cost between $5 and $28 per string depending on length, that all harpists carry a full set in reserve and therefore cannot get refunds for broken EU-crap strings because they are always over 2 weeks old when they break. Moreover one's reputation and career will always be threatened if a string breaks during a concert or a wedding. The quality control is back on track for now, but the damage it has done is immense. Want to hear what it's like? This world-renowned artist offers a sound clip from her disaster during the Ginastera Harp Concerto with the Columbus Symphony: http://www.yolandaharp.com/#!No-Guts-No-Glory/hc5sh/56f55e220cf23c800ad1c7a6
  4. What is a eurosceptic? The very word is overtly reminiscent of Newspeak. Hog-wash I say, the term is nothing less than pure EU-brainwashing terminology. The EU can define all the bla-bla-bla terminology they wish for between themselves, but they may not cook-up that which describes their dissenters. That's for me, and my like, to define. I am an EU dissenter, I am an EU atheist. I am NOT an EU agnostic. To describe anyone and everyone who is not just a lock, stock and barrel EU zombie (or grubby-fingered benefactor) by use of such a handy little catchall catchphrase terminology as 'skeptic' is more than just a lazy writer's falsehood. It is a contribution to the EU's PR brainwashing agenda. A cog in the grinding-wheel, consciously granted or not. The term 'skeptic' is a detractor devised to takeaway any depth of objection from those who call-out against the imposition of this undemocratic tyranny to which our so called political representatives fain nothing but the most feeble and tepid of stances. Skeptic - a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions Doubt - a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction - archaic fear; be afraid Rhetoric - the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and other compositional techniques - language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect, but which is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content
  5. The European Union has citizen initiatives which, if 1 000 000 signatures are collected, will be passed through to the commission for discussion. There is currently one initiative called "Weed like to talk" up and running (terrible name I know). Any thoughts on this? Are there any Europeans here on this board who are interested in this matter? I for one believe that it will have little to no direct impact because even if the EU would go through with it, the countries themselves would refuse the EU to poke around in their laws regarding narcotics. However, if enough votes are collected an international debate will occur, and politicians around the union will in turn notice the growing number of potential votes to be gained from a campaign related to the legalization of cannabis. Reason has already written an article on the subject: http://reason.com/blog/2014/02/24/citizens-initiative-seeks-to-legalize-ma Current number of votes: https://ec.europa.eu/citizens-initiative/REQ-ECI-2013-000023/public/map.do Collection of signatures: https://ec.europa.eu/citizens-initiative/REQ-ECI-2013-000023/public/Does anyone know where I could recommend this delightful radio channel to maybe talk about this initiative? It would be great if as many people as possible could become aware of it as basically not one of the newspapers or TV news channels in Europe have reported on it. I'm a bit new on this board, have mercy.
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