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  1. I’m having second thoughts about school. The thing that turns me off is that this is Academia and I’m here to compete and play the game. Like the football players. Just how football players end up with injuries because their bodies are beat up so bad. My brain and my soul are beat up. I’m exhausted. I’m typing this while I should be studying for my Calculus course that I have been working at nonstop trying to play catch up with; the pace of the professors is not human. Don’t get me wrong I’m a good student with an impressive GPA. Im just tired of this game. I want to drop out start working and start a business. I don’t know exactly what. I have many ideas like a dating website for freedomain radio listeners and voluntarist. I want to create video on YouTube. I want to create, software, games, anything. Im a beginner when it comes to programing I still have lots to learn. Should I hang in and wait another two years? When I look at people like bill gates and Steve Jobs I say Hell yeah ! When I look at other people I look up too like Ellon Musk, I think twice. He at least got his BA degree. Maybe times have changed. I just want to create.
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