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  1. Hello, I have an idea I want to share. Today I wanted to listen back to the Call-In show I had the other day, and I saw that it had been posted on Youtube recently. If you didn't get to listen in, I was calling about my lack of motivation in the activities I take part in. It was hard for me(anxiety provoking) to get on the show and expose myself to big chatty forehead, as he is kind of a supermodel of philosophy for me, and I always value his insights. I think Stefan helped me gain a clearer picture of my problem and what I could do to gain passion and start to really live. Now, I went to the Youtube page for the show, and I decided to look at the comments before starting the video. The first comment was someone saying, and I quote: ''Why even continue talking to people like Emmanuel when he's clearly operating on half a brain cell? There are a lot of callers like that. Sometimes I wonder if they are just trolls?''. As I read that, I felt hurt, sad and ashamed. I started to self-attack and ask myself if I was really that deficient, and if I was somehow wasting everyone's time with my issues. I really don't feel well after this, and it sort of shifted my entire mindset that I had before, when I wanted to look back at what someone I highly respect had to say to me. I don't know why I felt that strongly about that person's comment, but I did and I don't think it's a good thing for me to be so sensitive to others, especially if they are abusive. I was also wondering why someone would say something like that, don't they know that it hurts(especially coming from someone who watches FDR)? I just feel down right now and I'm unsure of what to do from now on, to get my ambition back. It's really sad that it can go away like that, with one snarky comment on Youtube. Thanks a lot, and I await your responses. Emanuel
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