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Found 2 results

  1. I've been perturbed by the number of otherwise politically inactive people on Facebook adding a French Flag filter onto Facebook. One of my more trustworthy friends (who didn't change his picture) posted a status pointing out the trend, and I posted this in support of him. I think I figured out why I don't like the French flag filter, it's because the filter is no-thinking band-aid. When you put on the filter, you can leave it at that and ignore the circumstances that led to this tragedy, like the French Government's arm sales to Arab despots, allowing millions of fighting age "refugees" into their country, and neutering their own populace by making France a gun free country. The French Government has screwed their people by allowing the circumstances that led to the Pairs massacre, and showing your support by flying the French Government's colors isn't going to stop the next attach. Stopping foreign arm sales, increasing deportations, and allowing gun ownership would. What do you fine people think? Should free-thinking people be showing support for France, is the French flag filter a misdirection? Am I just an insane bigot who doesn't care about France in it's time of need?
  2. So I thought it would be cool to replace the Union Jack with the ancap flag in the Australian flag, for purely personal use. Australia is ruled by the British Monarch, represented by the Union Jack corner, like New Zealand etc. As an anarcho-capitalist, I aim for a life free of monarchies and tyranny, so its gotta go. The Southern Cross represents us as the Great South Land, location identification. I'm ok with this, it's where I live, what I see in the sky every night, important to the Native Australians who were displaced from their homeland by the British Colonization (Invasion). No probs The Commonwealth Star (below the Union Jack) is seven pointed, one point for each Australian state and territory. If Australia was ancap, we wouldn't have states and territories. Just places and land ownerships. So I'm not really sure what to do here. The blue background represents the ocean that makes the entirety of Australia's border. We're a continent-sized island, so it seems appropriate. My other option was either removing the quarter flag, and putting the ancap flag stripe through the commonwealth star, representing replacing the 'states' with anarchy. But it looks strange and unfamiliar without the corner. It also looks unfamiliar without something in the lower left corner. Thoughts? Also, does anyone know if I could get in trouble for "defacing" the Australian Flag? As far as I can tell AU is super chill about the use of the flag, especially compared to most other countries, but there may be loopholes I should watch out for...
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