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Found 3 results

  1. As I was listening to the gene wars podcasts one thing kept going trough my head. "The alpha male athlete" who is 1) Competitive & takes responsibility (K selection) but 2) has a super high sex drive and is polygamic. Where does he fall in the r/K theory?
  2. In a resilient attempt to vaporize the hopes of anyone who have even a modicum of respect for sanity, the Swedish government has decided to try and help the lost and lonely refugees better acquaint themselves to Scandinavian lifestyles by giving them a full on taxpayer funded arms training course. Just in case you had any questions as to what the level of depravity and insanity is when it comes to those who wield the power of the state. Here you go. http://www.allehanda.se/angermanland/solleftea/laddade-for-prickskytte http://newobserveronline.com/sweden-state-funded-muslim-sniper-training/
  3. Just a horrifying read. I know I can't control this kind of stuff . . . . . the best I can do is to be my best self and be worthy of an outstanding partner. But the odds are really good that any intelligent women who is around my age will have come through this kind of culture in college. And, honestly, it depresses me. http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2015/08/tinder-hook-up-culture-end-of-dating
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