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  1. It is quite unfortunate that this message to this day has to continue to be repeated Ad Infinitum, but I will go to my grave pontificating it if I have to. Just today there was a terrorist attack at a Christmas market in Berlin, Germany and the Russian ambassador to Turkey was assassinated by a gunmen shouting "Alluha Akbar" . I imagine the response from the sanctimonious Left is going to be to continue to try and flood Europe with refugees. If these event does not strengthen and firmly solidify the Nationalist uprising that has been occurring in the West for the past year, I do not know what will. Say what you want about religion, but this is why not only Christianity but freedom of religion as an idea exists and is celebrated in the West, and why Radical Islam will simply never be compatible with Western Ideals. However, this is not only an indictment of Radical Islam but also of massive national Western governments and the continued, relentless initiation of the use of force against innocent civilians. I believe these events present a very compelling case for why the West should stop being involved in destabilization of the Middle East via arming terrorist factions. Violence only begets further violence as is the case with parenting and the cycle of abuse. Can we please just put the fucking guns and bombs away for once and try freedom and peace for a change instead? #RestoreTheWest #RejectRadicalIslam #NonInterventionism #TheNAP
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