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  1. Heres the link I found to get things started. I was approached by a colleague who brought this up. Why don't gulf countries take asylum seekers? Why is the wars and cultures of a totally different nature going out of there way when other countries much closer could help? Are they not rich enough to raise charities or provide some sort of relief. I feel they know deep down the Europeans are willing to take in the refugees. Thoughts? https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/3j7afl/serious_why_dont_the_refugees_go_to_gulf_countries/? Slavery in the UAE, not accepting asylum seekers, people arrested and deported on sight, why does this have to be a European problem? I see in the swedish tabloids a 3 year old laying dead on a beach being shamelessly paraded as a means of enforcing more government regulations. It makes me sick and I wish more people asked these kinds of questions. Why couldn't he just as easily made it to Jordan, or Israel, or Egypt? Its devastating and I would like to hear thoughts on this.
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