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Found 1 result

  1. As enlightened, peaceful parents, how you do handle holidays? We are constantly asked "What are you dressing your daughter up as for Halloween?", "What is Santa getting her for Christmas?". etc. We don't do Halloween for 2 main reasons, #1, she's only 2 years old. She doesn't eat candy. It's bad for her. We have diabetes in our family history. and #2, she's only 2 years old! She doesn't understand that it's kinda weird to dress up in some commercialized cartoon character (we don't watch tv), go to neighbor's houses we've never met, begging for something that not good for you, for reasons we can't explain other than "tradition and culture". When it comes to Christmas, we don't talk about Santa because he's not real. She already has everything she wants, because she's 2, and "tradition and culture" again. It's an arbitrary religious day. Do we give her the gifts that her cousins and grandparents sent her? Yes. But it's not a big deal in our house. What are your thoughts? What do you do in your homes for the Holidays? For full disclosure, we do cook a big meal for Thanksgivings, but that's because we love food.
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