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  1. This past Sunday I had a conversation with a sibling at a family dinner. This conversation started with me commenting on how in the recent Red Dawn film the villains were changed from Chinese to North Korean because of political reasons. I wanted to use this to talk about how government has its hands in the movie industry. This got one of my siblings defensive, they began to extol the virtues of the Chinese government and how they would never invade the US. Some of the virtues given where: only the police and military are armed, the government knows when you check in to a hotel, and where you are at all times in the cities due to cameras and facial recognizing software. At the end of their praises I commented something along the lines of “that sounds a lot like 1984.” They responded by saying it was a good thing since that is what they are doing here in the US. I responded “so the US is just as communistic as China.” I brought up how the people are not treated very well over there. This was strongly rebuked as nonsense and stated that they have had first hand knowledge that the lives of the Chinese and their work condition were great and even better than in the US. I didn't agree and talked about the poor conditions I heard about from investigators. They denied each point without any room for discussion with the comment "That isn't true. I don't know were you would have hear that.” I cited my sources to which they said “You're mentally ill. You should be instituted." I tried talking to them further about the subject but the same phrase was repeated over and over. "You're mentally ill. You should be instituted." Later in the day I called my father about some things and told him about the talk I had with my sibling. The same sibling had already called him about the conversation to which he sided despite my references or words. My mother has become distant since the debate. What bothers me the most is that no one from my family has contacted me to ask how I came to this understanding and why I feel the way I do about it. It comes across to me that none of them seems to care. I have an idea on how to address the situation with my family but am writing this becuase I feel stuck for some reason.
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