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  1. I wanted to thank and congratulate Stefan Molyneaux for his dogged investigation of the career killing topic: Race, Sex and IQ. I think he has finally proposed a hypothesis that is worth researching and is provable and scientific. The hypothesis I see as valid is: (1) There are differences in mean IQ by race and gender. (2) owing to the shape of the normal distribution, the proportion of people occupying a given interval of IQ scores will vary with distance from mean. (example: the interval of IQ 100-115 contains 34% of people but the interval of 130-145 contains 2% of people) (3) TO BE PROVEN: When dealing with the middle 68% of individuals (+/- 1 std, the people you most often interact with) there is less confidence that racial/sex differences in IQ will be observed owing to variations in and between groups. (This can be shown with a power calculation) (4) MOLYNEAUX'S INSIGHT: For an equal size IQ interval on the tails of a normal distribution, the confidence about IQ increases nonlinearly. SO given some prior knowledge, (e.g. that a person has an IQ>115, i.e. a so called 'elite') once can be more confident of observing bias in race/sex proportions. At the very least statistical tests can be done to prove that one needs a larger sample of people from IQ[85,115] interval to be confident of a race/sex difference than one would need from an IQ[130,160] interval. It needs some clean up but it seems like a good paper if it hasnt already been published. If the work has been done I would be interested in a citation.
  2. The theory that smart immigrants from low IQ countries show a propensity to reversion to the mean IQ is inconsistent with the claim that the claim that IQ is 60-80% heritable Problem 1: If it is assumed that IQ is 60-80% heritable, then it follows that a smart immigrant is more likely than not smart by virtue of genetics. This means it is unreasonable to assume that an immigrant from a low IQ country is smart by pure environmental causes. This also means it is more likely than not that the intelligence of the immigrant is a heritable trait that will be passed to offspring. These are forces that resist the claim of reversion to mean. Resolving this contradiction is done either by assuming that (1) IQ is somewhat less than 50% genetic, this would eliminate the bias of inheritance and assure reversion to the mean. (2) if the premise of >50% heritability is kept then reversion to the mean requires additional assumptions like: smart immigrants tend to mate within their group and to randomly with respect to IQ.
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