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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I want to learn about the history of philosophy, but I don't know who is most credible. I am most interested in Western philosophy, but would appreciate any particularly insightful histories of other traditions of philosophy. I already have "Intellectuals" by Paul Johnson on my reading list. Any books, podcasts, articles, or Youtube videos would be appreciated.
  2. Hello all, I am trying to locate a Stefan podcast that was posted on YouTube channel within the past 3-6 months that discussed how intellectuals experience the world differently from others. Stefan explained how a researcher that studies an indigenous group "will know more about their culture than they themselves know". Also, I think he mentions a book called "Intellectuals" by Paul Johnson. Stefan mentioned that intellectuals are not able to experience events with the same amount of emotion as others. If anyone could please find this podcast, or perhaps a related podcast/book/etc., I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks, Jonny
  3. Boy, oh boy. I just got out of my BS geology class at uni, and my prof was spewing so much statist propaganda for over half the class period talking about natural threats to humans on this earth of ours, and how it's the governments responsibility to protect us with their money. In my mind, I could see myself jumping up on stage beside this human microphone for blindly consenting to evil, and debate him on every point he made. I have a feeling it's going to be a long semester for me, and I don't know how long I'll be able to hold my tongue before I verbally lash out at this guy from my front row seat in our auditorium style classroom. I feel frustrated, annoyed, and helpless. I understand of course it's my responsibility on whether not I engage this man or not on his misguided and destructive theories about how state power should be used to fund his rock hobby. Honestly, I could care less about what this asshole thinks, but it's just that there are roughly 300 of my fellow students may actually believe what he says. I have another professor for my sociology class I have to leave for in just a little less than a half hour, and she's the bad kind of feminist as well as a statist. I can't just help, but think about how these two instructors of mine have failed in the private sector after they had graduated with their degrees to turn back around to the state out of their udder incompetence to suckle from it's tits like a baby without the ability to function outside from under the breast of the state.
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