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  1. By threatening to dox a reddit user unless he remains silent the fake news network "CNN" has declared war on the entire internet community. Unless we fight back CNN could do this to anyone of us! Sign a petition to revoke their broadcasting license: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/it-time-revoke-cnn-broadcasting-license But even more important, hit them where it hurts - contact and boycott their advertisers: (Remember to use #CNNBlackmail when contacting them via twitter!) Ace Hardware: http://www.acehardware.com/helpdesk/ https://twitter.com/AceHardware Aleve: https://www.aleve.com/contact-us/ https://twitter.com/Bayer Alfa Romeo: https://m.chrysler.com/webselfservice/alfaRomeo/EmailPage.html https://twitter.com/alfa_romeo Allegra: https://www.allegra.com/contact/ https://twitter.com/AllegraOTC American Petroleum Institute: http://www.api.org/contact https://twitter.com/API_News Audi: https://www.audiusa.com/help/contact-us https://twitter.com/Audi AT&T: https://www.att.com/contactus/ https://twitter.com/ATT Bayer: https://www.bayer.com/en/contact.aspx#toForm https://twitter.com/Bayer Behr Paints: http://www.behr.com/consumer/customer-service/feedback https://twitter.com/BehrPaint BMW: http://www.bmwusa.com/standard/content/contactus/ https://twitter.com/BMW Cars.com: https://www.cars.com/contact/ https://twitter.com/carsdotcom Century Link: http://www.centurylink.com/help/contact/ https://twitter.com/CenturyLink Chamonix (tourist destination): http://www.chamonix.com/contact,101,en.html https://twitter.com/Chamonix_France Clear Choice: https://www.clearchoice.com/contact-us/ https://twitter.com/ClearChoice Dell: http://www.dell.com/support/Contents/us/en/04/category/Contact-Information https://twitter.com/Dell Expedia: https://www.expedia.com/service/ Click "Contact Us" https://twitter.com/Expedia Exxon Mobil: http://corporate.exxonmobil.com/en/company/contact-us/email-us https://twitter.com/exxonmobil Hewlett-Packard: https://ssl.www8.hp.com/us/en/contact-hp/connect-with-hp.html https://twitter.com/HP Hilton: https://secure.hilton.com/en/hi/feedback/index.jhtml https://twitter.com/HiltonHotels Infiniti: https://www.infinitiusa.com/iapps/contactus https://twitter.com/INFINITIUSA Jos. A Bank: http://www.josbank.com/contact-us https://twitter.com/JosABank Lexus: http://lexus2.custhelp.com/app/ask https://twitter.com/Lexus Marriott: https://www.marriott.com/marriott/contact.mi https://twitter.com/Marriott McDonald's: https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/contact-us/general-inquiry-form.html https://twitter.com/McDonalds Men's Wearhouse: https://www.menswearhouse.com/support https://twitter.com/menswearhouse Mini Cooper: http://www.miniusa.com/content/miniusa/en/footer-navigation/contact.html https://twitter.com/CooperMiniLtd Michelob: https://shop.michelobultra.com/pages/contact-us https://twitter.com/MichelobULTRA Microsoft: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/contactus/ https://twitter.com/Microsoft Mercedes-Benz: https://mercedes-benz.custhelp.com/app/ask/session/ https://twitter.com/MercedesBenz National Car Rental: https://nationalcar.custhelp.com/app/home https://twitter.com/NationalPro National Education Association: http://www.nea.org/home/827.htm https://twitter.com/NEAToday Optum: https://www.optum.com/contact/contact-us.html https://twitter.com/Optum Panera: https://panera.custhelp.com/app/ask https://twitter.com/panerabread Pom Wonderful: https://www.pomwonderful.com/contact-us/ https://twitter.com/pomwonderful Prudential: http://corporate.prudential.com/view/page/corp/31794 https://twitter.com/Prudential Stelara: https://www.stelarainfo.com/contact-us Sleep Number Beds: https://www.sleepnumber.com/contact-us https://twitter.com/sleepnumber Stella Artois: http://www.stellaartois.com/en_gb/contact-us.html https://twitter.com/StellaArtois TD Ameritrade: https://www.tdameritrade.com/why-td-ameritrade/contact-us.page https://twitter.com/TDAmeritrade Tempurpedic: https://www.tempurpedic.com/contact-us/ https://twitter.com/TempurPedic US Postal Service: https://www.usps.com/help/contact-us.htm https://twitter.com/USPS Vistaprint: http://www.vistaprint.com/customer-care/contact-us.aspx https://twitter.com/Vistaprint Vita Coco: https://www.vitacoco.com/me/contact-us/ https://twitter.com/VitaCoco Whole Foods: https://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/customer-service https://twitter.com/WholeFoods Here is a comprehensive list of all Time Warner (CNN's parent) sponsors or cooperations. Call them, and let them know that we will not be using their products until they abolish their ties to the Cable News Network. Company/Group Number HEC Paris MBA Program France numbers only JK Harris and Company 800-556-9795 AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals 800-236-9933 E-Trade 800-387-2331 Monex Precious Metals 800-444-8317 Sprint / Nextel 1-888-211-4727 Nextel 1-800-639-6111 Select Quote 800-777-8300 Wells Fargo 800-869-3557 AARP 888-687-2277 Philips / Norelco (212) 850-5000 [email protected] Subaru 1-800-782-2783 Geico 800-861-8380 Boston Market 800-365-7000 Overstock.com 800-843-2446 Liberty Medical 800-970-4831 Live Well Financial 800-917-1170 American Coalition for Clean Coal 877-358-6699 University of Phoenix None Partnership for Prescription Assistance 888-477-2669 Ehealth Insurance Services 800-977-8860 Dodge 1-800-853-1403 Hyundai 800-633-5151 Jos A Banks Clothiers 800-999-7472 or 800-285-2265 Career Builder.com (800) 638-4212 Zurich Financial Services Swiss numbers only Johnson and Johnson 732-524-0400 US Home Auction 800-793-6107 Cisco 800-553-6387 or 408-526-4000 Exxon Mobil 972-444-1000 Jitterbug 800-918-8543
  2. There are a handful of videos that I use to troll posts on facebook with when I think it can help spread valuable information about Islam. Included among these are a few Stefan Molyneux videos, a few Geert Wilders videos, a few Paul Joseph Watson vids, Alex Jones vids, Pat Condell vids, and other ones by non famous people. I also have text from each one so I can post the video and text with it, for more impact, especially to ensure that more information gets across to people's frontal lobes before they go into full trigger mode. My intention is to find as many places, as many posts, as possible to engage people in arguments about Islam and mass immigration, and the soft jihad. And I always try to post something that solidly dovetails off of what their post is, so it seems more like an actual response (which it is) rather than just hard trolling or spaming. Hopefully my trolling does some good. Here I am going to post one of the videos I use often and the text I include with it: "The radical teaching in the Mosque will entice the others to follow it. That's the problem. We have too many Mosques here, and the Imams at the Mosques teach hate, violence against nonbelievers. This is what goes on in the mainstream mosques. That's all there is to it. They preach hate. Their purpose of being here is not to teach love. It's not to teach to be good. It's to bring down the West. This is what they want to do. Islam wants to DOMINATE. Domination is the core value of Islam. Islam has always been like that, since the prophet Muhammed times. It's always been about hate; always been about violence. When prophet Muhammed brought Islam, he brought a militant cult that is BASED on violence. It's not Islamaphobia when they're trying to kill you. That's not Islamaphobia. They are trying to kill you. CAIR, and the majority of student-Muslim organizations here in the United States, are basically derivatives of the Muslim Brotherhood, which started in Egypt; these are all connected together. There's a huge network of Islamic radicals around the world. The ultimate goal of Islam is the domination around the world. Saudi Arabia spends millions of dollars here building Mosques left and right. They are giving books of Islam to the students. They are capturing our youth. All professors are liberals. They are helping these guys. They are together. And they are trying to culturally invade America. They are invading us right now with what they call "soft-jihad". The "hard-jihad" was 9-11. The soft-jihad now is culturally. They are trying to change our culture, and when the time comes, they will use the hard-jihad. There has been almost 20,000 Islamic terrorisms since 9-11, around the world. Basically it's on a daily basis."
  3. Could someone knowledgeable on the the subject offer advice on protecting digital assets?
  4. 21, Inc is apparently building Skynet. Or so it would seem. They've raised the most money of any Bitcoin startup, and no one knew what they were planning to do, until recently. The implications are crazy. I'm still in the process of catching up with this news and wanted to put this in front of you for feedback and response, if you had any. If you're not familiar, 21, Inc. was founded, in part, by Balaji Srinivasan, founder of Counsyl Genomics. To get a feel for his worldview, check out this talk he gave in 2013 focusing on "Voice and Exit" and changing established systems. Balaji sounds like an AnCap to me. I'm putting the links to the things I've worked through below. On the relationship with Qualcomm, one of 21's largest investors: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/336f1w/its_not_about_21_inc_its_all_about_qualcomm/ http://www.qualcomm.com/invention/1000x http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p2suMVsKow http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/35m8df/qualcomm_21_incthis_is_whats_going_on/ The release from Srinivasan on the chip, and one of the more thoughtful comments: http://medium.com/@21dotco/a-bitcoin-miner-in-every-device-and-in-every-hand-e315b40f2821 http://medium.com/@elisklar/free-broadcasting-network-for-micro-messages-already-fully-deployed-and-accessible-61c00f52a6ca Leaked slides from 21, Inc presentation, and commentary: http://imgur.com/a/q9cbL#hkzYfyI http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/36j3lv/21_inc_investor_slides_embedded_bitsplitbitshare/ A discussion on Whaleclub and some really awesome commentary on the Bitcoin sub that follows up...check out the comments for elaboration from u/elux : https://soundcloud.com/elux-1/21-inc-embedded-engineer-on-whaleclub-teamspeak http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/370rko/21_inc_engineer_everyone_assumes_humans_will_be/ http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/372bhf/not_science_fiction_in_case_you_missed_it_this/ If you get through all of that, I'd love to hear what you're thinking. I'm still processing it....but my mind's asploded....especially those last three links.
  5. MaidSafe From the MaidSafe Wikipedia article: "MaidSafe is an open-source program that enables a decentralized internet platform, called the SAFE Network. MaidSafe autonomously handles static and dynamic data including communications. Data stored on the network is either encrypted or cryptographically signed by MaidSafe connected applications (clients). In either case the network itself cannot decrypt any of the data. MaidSafe also distributes all data on the network without the need for centralized servers." These are just some of my thoughts: I think some business models will need changing when MaidSafe is ready to be released to the public. The likes of the major hollywood studios and ISPs will not be able to use threats to stop the illegal downloading of films, music, books etc. MaidSafe may make the donation-based economy the norm, at least in the digital realm. IMO it will have a greater impact on the world than Bitcoin. MaidSafe's altcoin, Safecoin, may even replace Bitcoin as the most widespread and valuable (in Market Cap) crytocurrency. It may reduce FDR's business costs like bandwidth etc. MaidSafe may eventually replace the internet as the main global network as people rationalise their server and bandwidth costs. Has anyone else on this forum come across MaidSafe? I only found out about it because someone mentioned it over at Liberty.me. The topic of conversation was one of Jeffery Tucker's articles on Netflix.
  6. Mike Hearn, one of the bitcoin core developers does a really interesting presentation on the future of economics. The is self driving cars and other smart machines making money by providing services and spending money by purchasing repair and the services of other machines. The theories do not require the long promised and never delivered artificial intelligence. It's just really smart programming, micropayments and a series of connected networks reducing overhead of everything to being practically nothing. It's fuckin' wack yo! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pu4PAMFPo5Y
  7. http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/nsa-data-sweep-intercepted-conversations-of-ordinary-internet-users-1.2698074 I think keywords like "Anarchism" and many other words have put us all on their list. (Puts on tinfoil hat) Maybe someone is reading this now...
  8. I spend some time on reddit, which is quite the "melting-pot" amongst internet forums. Every now and then I'll see a video (like today) of someone being an asshole and then getting knocked over or punched, and it's celebrated. I'll read through the top 50 comments and find no dissent at all. Then I post something like "Wow, that could have been handled a lot of other ways. What if that person was seriously injured?" or something to that effect. I'll get about 10 downvotes in as many minutes (but of course never a decent rebuttal), and then my comment is below the threshold to be shown to most users. What really troubles me is that these aren't secret agents of the state, trying to destroy the voices of peace; they're our neighbors reveling in unwarranted aggression. Just felt like venting. It's nice to have a little corner of the 'net where you aren't shunned for wanting peace!
  9. i have been looking into Paul Rosenburg's (he was at some speaking engagement where stef went once time) program suite for encryption called "cryptohippie". I saw a writeup he did on dailyanarchist.com. It's expensive to purchase, but gives you a solid vpn with exit nodes in panama and other countries with more privacy protections. Your phone and web connections will be gibberish to your isp. Since he is an entrepreneur who has personal leanings toward the libertarian/anarchist movement, it seems he could be trusted ethically for selling the real deal. I haven't committed to buying it yet, but i am leaning that way. What do you guys think? ..about this company and whether their is an even better option.
  10. Interesting article: Meshnet activists rebuilding the internet from scratch http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21929294.500-meshnet-activists-rebuilding-the-internet-from-scratch.html Worried about the NSA snooping on your email? Maybe you need to start creating your own personal internet.The internet is neither neutral nor private, in case you were in any doubt. The US National Security Agency can reportedly collect nearly everything a user does on the net, while internet service providers (ISPs) move traffic according to business agreements, rather than what is best for its customers. So some people have decided to take matters into their own hands, and are building their own net from scratch.Across the US, from Maryland to Seattle, work is underway to construct user-owned wireless networks that will permit secure communication without surveillance or any centralised organisation. They are known as meshnets and ultimately, if their designers get their way, they will span the country...
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