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Found 2 results

  1. I read over at the Ron Paul Liberty Report, that there is a bill active that will allow president Trump to attack Iran using the military to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, all without the approval of congress. I'm fine with the temporary immigration halt, but shouldn't this, along with Trump wanting to "rebuild" the military, be worrying at all? I'm pro-Trump, and am glad about all he's done since he was inaugurated, but does anyone have any logical reasons why Trump won't carry on like the previous administrations and invade? If so, please share. Source: http://www.ronpaullibertyreport.com/archives/pre-emptive-attack-iran-bill-active-in-us-house
  2. What ever happened to self determination, that the UN Charter on Human Rights called a right? (No I am not saying the UN is so great, but it just put forth right already inherent to man). Does that mean squat? And why does the US get weapons, but Iran can't? Doesn't it seem odd that it is alright for India, Russia, China, among others, who could be argued are more of a threat to the US, to get a weapon, but Iran and North Korea can't? It just seem funny that everyone, including liberals, drink the kool aid. I have tried saying how would you like it if China or Russia invaded out country (demonstrating what the drone program is doing, but in an applicable example), or how would you like it if they bomb our country? They, in their patriotic fervor, obviously say that would be wrong. So why is it right for us to bomb their country, which obviously did nothing wrong? IDK anymore.
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