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  1. Given all of the bad press and hysteria over the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), I feel it is important to point out the achievements to particle physics that the LHC has been able to provide. The “Standard Model of Particle Physics” created a system of tiny sub atomic particles to predict results in reality. I believe most physicists would agree that this model violated Occam ’s razor to the extreme. In other words, if you think circles in circles sounds overly complicated, try looking into particle physics. Particle physics most of the time sounds like an alternate reality sounding like ramblings of a mad man. However, due to the experimental evidence produced by the LHC, we now know that particles such as the Higgs, and maybe even now anti-matter and Bs mesons, is an observable fact no longer restricted to a theoretical model in someone’s head. This means that one of the most fundamental models produced by humanity accurately represents reality, and is therefore likely true. This is important. I know we all understand the ethical issues in stealing billions of dollars to work on your own pet projects presents (i.e. it is evil), there is an opportunity here to bask in the intrinsic value provided by the LHC’s continued validation of the predictions of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. This should be celebrated by all as a triumph of humanity, and our ability to understand and predict the reality we live in, even when it goes against what we would expect. This is better than Einstein's Theory of Relativity being validated by light bending around an eclipse. I would recommend all to do some research into this great scientific achievement of our time, the validation of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Humanity is awesome.
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