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  1. So for a bit of time I have been following probably something that will come as a bit of a surprise to this community, maybe because this particular person calls himself a guru and a mystic. Maybe it's my own projection, but I'm still nonetheless going to throw this out here since my passion has been sparked. So here is the video that relates to the title of this thread: https://youtu.be/UGroxC5xJaA The argument is that "for the first time we as people have the necessary capability, resource and technology to address every human problem on the planet." How does that stand against the welfare state, and because it is talked about in the idea that businesses should take this up as their vision, would that at least qualify this argument for being in the realm of win-win negotiations? How does it stand against the idea of the limited resources of the planet? The argument to me also has a moral component, altruistic in nature, that ultimately if the capability is there to solve these human problem by the able, it should also mean that the able need to be a part of this movement, to a disproportionate degree than those that do not have the capability. Maybe I'm getting it wrong. The scope of the argument, is for now, just limited to our planet. I'd like to see how this stands to the rigors of this forum, of reason and evidence. So if you prefer, do throw some fire thisaway.
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