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  1. For those of you that aren't aware the Philosophy Film Club (PFC) had a a listener hangout the other week which you can listen to below. We also have a live stream Afterthoughts show this coming Saturday, where the hosts and one caller get to put their final thoughts on the movie. That show will commence at 3 pm (CST). Details available in this thread. https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/41977-fdr-film-club/page-2?hl=+fdr%20+film%20+club
  2. I had read that this is one of the works that inspired "The Matrix" and I'm considering getting into it. Has anyone read it? Worth it? Thoughts? One thing that makes me hesitant is that I finally feel like I've got a really good grasp on an-cap, but the author who wrote this is heavily into Marx. Any time someone starts talking about Marx, my head just can't take it. They seem to speak a jargonized language that's been so chopped up and compartmentalized that it's almost impossible to understand what the author is discussing without a PhD in political philosophy.
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