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  1. Hi Stefan and anyone who might be reading this, I am posting this regarding the The Art of Penis Negotiation show, and the Banning Bitcoin caller. I am not going to defend or reexamine all the points in the call but a basic reality of economics that Stefan might have missed. Stefan makes claims that a government ban would not decrease bitcoin value/price for a multitude of reasons but i feel they might miss the mark to a degree. The commodity of currency would be worth far less when its ability to freely be used as currency is hampered. Is this logical? If yes, then the caller is correct and not Stefan. Let me expound. Lets start with this analogy: if weed no longer got you high or it would take an entire 8-ball to feel a high, this would decrease the value of those drugs to consumers (thus decrease their value as a commodity). A result being, these drugs' profitability would plummet and divert interest to other alternatives (even if supply remained the same, its value or usefulness is lowered). If the drug is still useful (can still get you high MAnnnn), then when its price increases, its value doesn't. It cost more time/wealth to produce and procure and thus may divert interest to other drugs, but the drug would maintain the innate value of its use. Ex. I have $200 1 oz of weed it gets me this high, but then government makes it illegal. Prices increase the same 1oz of weed still gets me the same high but now costs $250. The vlaue of the drug to the consumer doesn't change the cost does So now lets do the same with bitcoin. The value of bitcoin is its stable supply, uses of currency in trade and exchange, easy of transfer, security of wealth, amongst other uses of similar nature. So if government makes it harder to use bitcoin by destroys wealth related to it (stealing/destroying some of it), banning its use at local and reputable stores, creating legal threat associated with usage, etc then that would destroy the value of a currency; this is its function. Unlike drugs whose function is a high etc. which restrictions of availability do not largely effect, Bit coins innate value as a medium of exchange would actually be decreased (it harder to use it to exchange wealth/value). In this it differs from most commodities, but is similar to any currency. Do to this Bitcoin would most definitely lose value unless a large percentage of a population chose to ignore government force... which is not a likely reality, currently. Ex. I have $900 in 1 bitcoin that i can freely exchange, but then the government bans it. Now i still have 1 bitcoin but far less people who will take it becuase i can no longer as freely exchange it and its value was debased by government stealing it. This would make that 1 bitcoin worth less than $900 dollars as the actuall usefulness (or possible future usefullness) to the consumer has been greatly decreased. This is my perspective from my understanding of human interaction, let me know what you guys think.
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