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  1. Hello, I'm a Police Officer and probably the biggest hypocrite of all time! Long story short - I have chose to become a Police Officer around 4 years ago when I was a statist, and only around 6 months ago I have discovered the virtue and beauty of anarchism. I have already spent years chasing this career, I even chose a university course relating to it, in hope that it will aid me in achieving a senior rank. I cannot deny that I enjoy one aspect of the job - helping the actual victims of crime. Since I have discovered anarchy I am doing my best to make sure that my colleagues are not abusing their powers as well as attempt to educate them about things like - war on drugs, personal freedom, implications of incarceration etc - I mean, anything I can do to help to protect the people's liberty and at the same time dim the hypocrisy as much as possible . Moreover, hopefully by achieving a senior rank within the police force I will able to make some impact on the way police operates - potential changes would involve reduction of violation of freedom - It's a long shot, I know. I rationalise remaining in the force by thinking that once I leave - I will be replaced by someone who does not have any respect for personal freedom. What do you guys think? Is it a lost cause to attempt to rehabilitate the force and the way police operates? I hope I won't be slammed too hard for my career!
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