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  1. I just heard about from James Altucher's podcast a curating service called Quarterly, and I realized immediately that I would love to subscribe to a box of content (books, memorabilia, Queen cds, etc...) which was hand-curated by Stef. You may be wondering how this can actually make someone money. Tim Ferris, bestselling author and podcaster, brings in six figure income every year just from his subscriber boxes alone. You don't have to advertise or promote anything you don't already recommend and you can focus on sending valuable and informative physical content directly to your subscribers. I believe this would be a perfect add for Freedomain Radio to excite and grow its fanbase. They could even integrate it with the current donation system. For instance, imagine if when you listened to Stef interview Alex Epstein you knew you'd be receiving his book The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels in the mail within a month and inside that book would be annotations/inserts/downloadable mp3s written by Stef. How much cooler would that make listening and supporting the show!?! I'm sold; how about you? Would you sign up for a curated Stefan Molyneux box? If so, please appreciate this post or reply below! If there's enough interest, I bet the team here will be hard-pressed to turn down the idea.
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