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  1. (Updated 14-Dec-2013, see last post ) (Updated 29-Jan-2014, may help you) Hello Philosophers, ill keep it short. Today i had my first therapy hour. Not exactly what i expected. These are the characteristics: Good Homework sometimes given Supported my plan to do activities were i might improve my social life (hobbies, etc.) Participates, not only asks "how do you feel?" Asked about friends with which i could talk honestly (have a 1-2) Interested in what i study and how i got here (parents influence, etc) Placed more attention on parenting rather than school collective and experience. Bad Psychologist, not psychotherapist. Behavioral Therapy Focused 4-5 Sessions to fix my "Anxiety, Dread" problem. Coincides with usual insurance count limit. Introduced himself in a formal way without giving relevant personal information. (talked about the places he works) I had to unload my hypotheses about the history causes. Little questions from him. More focused toward acting as an adviser on action, social worker. More concerned with doing stuff you fear rather than pursuing the cause Correct me if im wrong, but this is a problem that is solved by correcting thinking,not? Did not get the impression that he puts value on emotions I did not feel amazed after finishing the session. Conclusion: I did not have the chance to ask most of my questions, but i think its clear anyways. So seeing that i dont have time, money to loose, my mind is almost entirely made up that i am looking for a new therapist on internet, will ask for the recent therapist's referral. I want a therapist that puts value on fixing the problem at its cause, not covering the symptoms. Questions: If anyone knows anything at all about the possibilities here, please let me know. (Im in the Netherlands, Eindhoven) If you think i interpreted something in a wrong way, please comment.
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