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Found 4 results

  1. Thread for posting links to, and discussion of immigration related crimes in Sweden. https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1chA4hWXfmlPvkhm5gpTkMCb1XDQ&hl&ll=64.61136893599594%2C5.812402550000002&z=4
  2. Stefan should do a short "Welcome to Europe" video for Syrian refugees in which he explains the basics of how European prosperity is based on liberal principles and how they have the choice to participate in that freedom or destroy it by supporting statism. It would be great if it could be translated in to Syrian Arabic. I would be willing to make a special donation toward the cost of having it dubbed.
  3. Heres the link I found to get things started. I was approached by a colleague who brought this up. Why don't gulf countries take asylum seekers? Why is the wars and cultures of a totally different nature going out of there way when other countries much closer could help? Are they not rich enough to raise charities or provide some sort of relief. I feel they know deep down the Europeans are willing to take in the refugees. Thoughts? https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/3j7afl/serious_why_dont_the_refugees_go_to_gulf_countries/? Slavery in the UAE, not accepting asylum seekers, people arrested and deported on sight, why does this have to be a European problem? I see in the swedish tabloids a 3 year old laying dead on a beach being shamelessly paraded as a means of enforcing more government regulations. It makes me sick and I wish more people asked these kinds of questions. Why couldn't he just as easily made it to Jordan, or Israel, or Egypt? Its devastating and I would like to hear thoughts on this.
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