Happy New Year to anarchist, statist, atheist, religious and my favorite, the Christians. This day is brought to you by a highly synchronized movement of planets around the sun...which begs the question, who created all this? Earth, a planet spaceship full of mankind and all the land they fought over, all the water they traveled over, and all the minerals and natural resources they consumed was believed to be held up by Atlas. Atlas, a Greek Titan pagan god (Titans proceeded the Olympian Greek pagan gods) shoulders the mighty weight of earth on his shoulders. Atlas was white, hence the term "white man's burden" (I'm just joking.) But Captain James Cook, a British, was believed to be the Hawaiian god, Lono, by the native Hawaiians and he made no great effort to correct that lie during his two discovery trips to the island (January 1778 & January 1779.) All the food and sex for you and your men after a lengthy period at sea may have weighed into that decision. Some white men, not necessary any relation to James Cook, still want minorities to believe they are gods...or at least they act like it. One of the commandments is "you shall have no other gods before me." Amen to that. There are many false gods out there that aren't associated with any religion and that people never considered was a god or religion...but they are. There is money, government, the American Founding Fathers, and even one's self. There is so much to figure out in this life (love, human relations, causes of natural disasters, causes of poverty and war etc.) that you'll wear yourself out in a lifetime of trying to find all the answers. So next time the Jesus demonstrated miracles come up, i.e. walking on water, turning water into wine, consider that may be it didn't even happened. After all, these are cheap parlor tricks that pale in comparison to creating a calendar year each and every year through the precise synchronization of planet earth around the sun.