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  1. I found this article on /r/MensRights thread on reddit and it is a police study showing the rape statistics since 2007. I know Stef and Mike said there have been no recent studies due to the unacceptable shaming of being branded sexist or misogynist. I wanted to share this in hopes of shedding more light on a horrifying issue and needs to be changed. As the police say, they take this issue very seriously, and the most common reason for the accusation was to protect the women involved. Its a defense mechanism. However, no means can justify accusing anyone of a false crime especially one that damages a person for years after. I hope you all find this.Justin Eight out of ten rapes are faked The police in Rostock determined with great effort. But the majority of reported cases of sexual abuse are made-up stories. 09/11/2015 19:19 clock Trailing Scene: Eight out of ten rapes are faked, according to the police. © Jens Wagner Rostock. Whether rape, child abuse, exhibitionism, child pornography - 173 offenses against sexual self-determination has been recognized in this year the Criminal Inspection (KPI) Rostock. 2014 there were 262 cases. More than 80 percent of them were well educated, according to police. Since 2007, Detective Chief Commissioner Britta Rabe concerned with sexual offenses in Rostock and in the district, along with three colleagues.Increasingly, there are investigators but to do with false cases: Eight out of ten sex offenses are faked. "We take this very seriously ads," says CEO Peter Mainka KPI. It would wanted with a large police contingent for possible perpetrators, operated elaborate forensic crime scenes, heard many witnesses. Yet the investigators have at the end often find that there has been in fact no crime."Often there are allegations protection of women, in order to justify a slip, a wrongdoing against husband, boyfriend or parents," says Britta Rabe. Doris Kesselring Heres the translated Article: https://translate.google.de/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ostsee-zeitung.de%2FRegion-Rostock%2FRostock%2FAcht-von-zehn-Vergewaltigungen-sind-vorgetaeuscht&edit-text=&act=url
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