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  1. So before I saw the movie (I have no interest in reading the book) I didn't quite sympathize, or empathize with the way that some women feel about men and pornography. But sitting there in the theater with my girlfriend I found myself becoming... jealous, I think, of the attention the Christian Grey character was getting from her right next to me. It would flare inside of me any time I looked at her restraining her giddiness at the things he'd say or do on screen, or any time she made a comment about him. Each time it flared, I defensively and neurotically analysed what was happening, running everything I knew about biology and philosophy against what was happening before me and within me. Then it hit me about a third of the way in- I was experiencing what women experience, when they think of men -whom they value and love- watch pornography. I realized that my thoughts of "No men are like this, who could actually be like this?" and thoughts of resentment towards her and the whole phenomenon of this novel and film- and precisely what women feel about the women in pornography. "No women are like this, no women would do this to themselves." You know, the feeling of inferiority, feeling small and powerless in your capacities. When compared to the "too good to be true" sexuality in pornography. The best part was, after I figured this out it made me relax and I could return to the moment. The clarity was wonderful. Thoughts forum? Has anyone else had a similar experience, or empathize with women on this? Am I missing something here or am I off base with what I understand now about with this?
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