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  1. I was asleep people , a cast iron sheeple for nearly 42 years , I have literally made every financial and relationship mistake possible for the vast majority of my life then over the course of just two weeks in March I discover, Doug Casey Jeff Berwick Mike Maloney And of course Stephan Bloody Molyneux.... Now the problem is I am awake , I can see these profound problems with my life and my world and I have no idea of how to proceed. I have been so used to slogging from day to day within the social frame work of my life to be a good every thing to everyone and have compromised so much of myself over the years I have no idea of where to start. I am not some wimpy simpering moron , I am simply reaching out to anyone else that has suddenly woken up one day and gone HOLY FUCK WHAT NOW? Listening to these people and the massive resounding gong of truth , facts and logic they brought to the table lifted a veil from my eyes , the problems is as I stated , what the hell now. Kind Regards Marcus
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