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  1. There are a handful of videos that I use to troll posts on facebook with when I think it can help spread valuable information about Islam. Included among these are a few Stefan Molyneux videos, a few Geert Wilders videos, a few Paul Joseph Watson vids, Alex Jones vids, Pat Condell vids, and other ones by non famous people. I also have text from each one so I can post the video and text with it, for more impact, especially to ensure that more information gets across to people's frontal lobes before they go into full trigger mode. My intention is to find as many places, as many posts, as possible to engage people in arguments about Islam and mass immigration, and the soft jihad. And I always try to post something that solidly dovetails off of what their post is, so it seems more like an actual response (which it is) rather than just hard trolling or spaming. Hopefully my trolling does some good. Here I am going to post one of the videos I use often and the text I include with it: "The radical teaching in the Mosque will entice the others to follow it. That's the problem. We have too many Mosques here, and the Imams at the Mosques teach hate, violence against nonbelievers. This is what goes on in the mainstream mosques. That's all there is to it. They preach hate. Their purpose of being here is not to teach love. It's not to teach to be good. It's to bring down the West. This is what they want to do. Islam wants to DOMINATE. Domination is the core value of Islam. Islam has always been like that, since the prophet Muhammed times. It's always been about hate; always been about violence. When prophet Muhammed brought Islam, he brought a militant cult that is BASED on violence. It's not Islamaphobia when they're trying to kill you. That's not Islamaphobia. They are trying to kill you. CAIR, and the majority of student-Muslim organizations here in the United States, are basically derivatives of the Muslim Brotherhood, which started in Egypt; these are all connected together. There's a huge network of Islamic radicals around the world. The ultimate goal of Islam is the domination around the world. Saudi Arabia spends millions of dollars here building Mosques left and right. They are giving books of Islam to the students. They are capturing our youth. All professors are liberals. They are helping these guys. They are together. And they are trying to culturally invade America. They are invading us right now with what they call "soft-jihad". The "hard-jihad" was 9-11. The soft-jihad now is culturally. They are trying to change our culture, and when the time comes, they will use the hard-jihad. There has been almost 20,000 Islamic terrorisms since 9-11, around the world. Basically it's on a daily basis."
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