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  1. I’d like to start a conversation about women’s suffrage. I think a case can be made that giving women the vote was a huge mistake. Women are the rulers of the sexual domain, so when they’re given equal share over the political realm we get feminism and Hillary Clinton. Here’s a video I illustrated explaining how the integration of women into the political sphere has led to the decline of Western societies. Somebody is going to take women’s freedom away from them—it’s either going to be white Western men or North African / Islamic migrants. Which will they prefer? I want to stress--this isn’t a moral issue. If we presume a State exists and if we want to maximize freedoms for everyone, then women's suffrage—like illegal immigration--is essentially a government program because women (especially single women) tend to vote for leftist policies, the net result of which is greater power for the State. For more on the marriage gap see: http://www.crisismagazine.com/2012/the-marriage-gap-in-the-womens-vote Voting was supposed to be reserved for property-owning white men--typically the highest IQ in America. Since those days we've bought into the myth that everyone is equal and therefore deserves an equal say in their government. The only problem with that argument is it's just not true. You might say “it’s going to be impossible to repeal the 19th Amendment”. I'll respond to that with two points. Firstly, we did it with prohibition. Secondly, a lot of people thought that a politically incorrect businessman like Donald Trump wouldn’t have a chance at the Presidential office. And yet, he's poised to win the nomination. Also, maybe this doesn't require a political solution. We--men and women who are waking up to the lies of feminism--can start shaming women who try to influence politics. I look forward to hearing your comments.
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