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  1. Just a half hour ago I read some devastating news. The President approved of the bombing of Damascus and other places in Syria. The Russian Government is necessarily taking this a declaration of war. The Syrian Government is surely not going to roll-over, though unlike the Russians they cannot strike America proper. I am truly fearful of our country's future with this. The wrath of the unjustly tormented is a wrath without restraint. I feel a sort of guilt for this war and almost want to offer myself up to the next Syrian that comes my way as an apology for my nation's actions. I don't have the words. What do we do? What can we do? Should we just focus on escaping to the better parts of our countries and prepare from there for the worst of the years or do we take some sort of political action (assuming that's even viable for anything anymore)? The Left has sunk its hooks deep into the American Government to the point where I don't think they can ever be pulled out through the political system. So it seems logical what we have to do is wait it out, fortify our communities, strengthen our bonds, and pray to God that we will be spared His divine wrath. I freely admit I am greatly saddened and weakened mentally by the news. I suppose I already have my answers ("do nothing. We cannot do anything. All we can do is head out for where it's safe and likely to remain safe and prepare for the worst.") but... I want to hear what others have to say.
  2. When he took office, Donald Trump did a complete about-face regarding his foreign policy with the middle east. Notably, he went from condemning Saudi Arabia to tacitly praising them. The US's commitment to regime change and meddling in the middle east makes little sense on the surface. There is no obvious strategic or economic value to these actions. The 'humanitarian' concerns are clearly a pretext. So what is the real reason for all of this? The answer is the petrodollar, and the maintenance of US economic supremacy. Saudi Arabia demands US dollars in exchange for oil. That's what truly gives the US dollar its value. That's what allows the US to have enormous trade deficits with other countries. For example, China sends its goods to the US in exchange for USD which can be spent on Saudi oil instead of US goods and services, creating a trade deficit advantageous to the US economy and its people. The rest of the world exports goods, the US exports dollars. In return, Saudi Arabia gets the support of the world's strongest military and an incredible amount of leverage with which to direct it. If the Saudis chose a different exchange currency, the US economy would quickly collapse. Without Saudi oil to back it, the US dollar would inflate wildly. The US would not be able to sustain it's huge trade deficits, and the people would suffer. The Saudi government is also in trouble. A huge proportion of Saudis rely on welfare, without that, a revolution from the underclass would be inevitable. The massive Saudi welfare state is sustained only by its oil exports. The Saudis have plenty of reasons to destabilize their middle eastern rivals and assert control over the region and its oil. Because of a largely useless populace, controlling and exporting more oil is the primary way that Saudi Arabia can expand its power and improve its economic situation. The world's largest importer of oil, China, would obviously rather trade in Yuan. China has made agreements with Russia for the trade of oil, at the expense of Saudi Arabia. Unless the Saudis accept Yuan, they will lose a great deal of China's oil trade to Russia. China is poised to take international economic supremacy from the US, and they will if the Saudis accept Yuan. To avoid this, the US must appease and assist Saudi Arabia against its rivals. Syrian insurgents are funded and supported by Saudi Arabia and the US in order to take control of more oil in the region. To maintain its precarious economic position, the US cannot allow China and Russia to control more of the world's oil and price it in Yuan. Failure means a devastating economic collapse for the US including hyper-inflation and a severe reduction in imports. The US would be unable to fund its incredibly expensive military, and the US would lose its position as the world's foremost superpower. Donald Trump has to make the difficult decision between catastrophic warfare and economic collapse, and it looks like he has already made his choice. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/balance-of-trade https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2016-05-30/the-untold-story-behind-saudi-arabia-s-41-year-u-s-debt-secret https://www.cnbc.com/2017/10/11/china-will-compel-saudi-arabia-to-trade-oil-in-yuan--and-thats-going-to-affect-the-us-dollar.html https://www.huffingtonpost.com/daniel-wagner/saudi-arabias-dark-role-i_b_3402447.html
  3. I recently got finished watching the debate between Stefan Molyneux and Bill Mitchell. Bill's stance was trust Trump because he's smarter than all of us. Which he is. Stefan's stance was invading the middle east is and has always been a bad idea. Which is true. Speaking as an ancap/libertarian/voluntarist, I have never bothered with politics because there's no point fighting against that which we cannot change. Before Trump's election the world had a different view on politics than today. Politicians make a lot of promises, we "vote" and if we're really, really lucky maybe a tiny fraction of those promises will be kept. I used to laugh at people that got so involved into politics to the point they were genuinely shocked when a politician didn't keep their promise. I still do this to be fair, with this whole Marine Le Pen hype. She's a lawyer, a career politician, a woman, and a socialist. Who does she remind you of? Anyways, I got invested in Trump not because of his policies but because of the man himself. He fought against literally everyone and won. I genuinely believe that if there's anyone that could put a halt or slow down the machine of power known as the state it would be him. I can't think of anyone else who could do it. Well, maybe Batman but crime-fighting billionaire playboys don't exi-- So where I'm getting at is what if the the cogs of the warmachine with Syria were put into motion and Trump couldn't stop it? What if the "most powerful man on Earth" doesn't really have that much power? A lot of shady stuff has been going on in Trump's cabinet with Bannon being pushed further away, Trump loyalists getting kicked out and neocons brought in, the corrupt media suddenly doing an 180 literally over night, other globalists start praising him, and so on. How much of these events is Trump and how much is deep state? How could we possibly even know the difference at this point? I think this is the most important question. It used to be simple. Are the democrats, McCain, Merkel, MSM, etc upset? Then it's Trump. Now's I'm just confused who's doing what. There's no point in debating x decision was right or wrong when we don't even have a method of determining if he's the one that's making it. So what do you guys think? Are these high-ranking state officials just glorified poster boys (and girls) or does the office actually hold power?
  4. I listened to the recent call "An Honest Conversation with a Middle Eastern Immigrant" and I was thinking about what he was saying about critical theory, and how the logic of that applies to these widespread sexual assaults. The amount of work the average Middle Eastern migrant young man would have to do in order to have even half the sexual market value of the average native born European man is essentially impossible and I'll try and make that case. Not only would they have to learn the new language and become proficient (requiring an intense dedication to integrate, a staggering amount of time, and a substantial amount of intelligence), not only would they have to unlearn everything they knew about their old cultures' model of sexuality and dating, not only would they have to learn everything they could about the Western worlds' model of sexuality and dating (which is difficult enough for native borns, let alone native borns which have been traumatized to the degree most of these migrants have, let alone native borns which have been traumatized to the degree most of these migrants have AND who have poor language proficiency or are outright illiterate), but they face all the psychological evolutionary pressures of spending all this time which cannot be spent reproducing. When evolutionary pressure was at its highest, humans were not living past their 20's. To fundamentally change or reverse ones reproductive strategy in their 20's means facing and overcoming the fear of not being able to reproduce (something which I've unfortunately experienced firsthand). The fear of not being able to reproduce is essentially the same as the fear of death. Asking or expecting statistically unintelligent people to subconsciously face death and a mind-bending amount of hard work for a potential payoff 10-15 years later is completely insane. And we have to include the fact that these people do not understand evolutionary psychology (or psychology in general) so they probably aren't even consciously aware of why integration would be so massively hard and in many cases impossible. And we have to include the fact that a significant portion of this 10-15 year process would have to be funded by the Europeans willingly, without massive protests and chaos erupting from peoples' resentment about having their wages sucked away from them for an essentially impossible project - Project Integration. This is assuming the economies/currencies don't collapse before that time. And we have to include the fact that even if they did master the language and learn how to mimic the courtship process, their beliefs about freedom, religion, and gender equality are going to be absolutely reprehensible to European women. And we have to include the fact that even after this 10-15 year process, they are still going to be at an massive SMV disadvantage compared to native born Europeans who instead of reworking their entire neural pathways have been building social skills, career skills, and wealth. Basically, in order for these migrants to obtain a reasonable sexual market value it would take them being geniuses (despite probably 20-25% of them being in the learning impaired range of IQ), having the courage of Socrates (despite severe anti-Socratic influence in their host societies for centuries), and having the dedication to make it all happen, knowing it could take 10+ years, all of which they could've spent reproducing by any means necessary (including rape). It's as close to an impossible task as I think you can get in terms of expectations for humans. I could go and on and on. Not a day goes by that this crisis of coercion does not cross my mind, concern, and frighten me - even though I don't live in Europe. It is in my extreme fortune that I live at least a couple of hours from anywhere in California which accepted these migrants and that the US so far has taken in a relatively small proportion of migrants compared to the population of the US as a whole. My heart goes out to everyone in Europe who has had this catastrophe forced onto them now and for generations to come.....
  5. I'm reading Atlas Shrugged. This passage sent shivers down my spine. The first time I read it, I literally saw the word "terror" instead of "horror". Intolerance equates to racism, and horror originates from terrorism and the cultural demolishing of the west by radical Muslims advocating a literal intepretation of the Islamic religious text. All the meanwhile, free speec is censored for the protection of feelings in the name of tolerance, so that any rational cry for help is strangled before it even leaves the mind, lest you be called racist... It's odd, this book was written long ago, but this passage stuck out to me as though she were writing for today! Thoughts?
  6. I just watched the recent Charlie Rose interview with Bashar Assad on PBS.Rose got his ass handed to him.
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