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Placeholder until I can find the article again (stupid browser isn't ) Would like to know if it has been posted before (or if this is the wrong area to post such things) My apologies if this is a bit sensitive to some readers here.. You unfortunate have live the with many of these marxists and anti anti-White forces directly. OYu elites invite them , and they act to stir up your The parents emigrated from (a shithole if there ever was one... made from stolen land at that)... the dictator in power there is an old guard Communist figure who is also sympathetic to Islamist causes [and perhaps financial backing].. [for info, look up the Amoudi terror arrest (by the FBI) in 2005].. so these ideas she espouses may run in her family, additionin the party line in her native country for decades (apple not falling far from tree) {eDIT: Foudn mor einof for the mbmers here (hope you are enjoying todays show as welll.....can't currently get it to load on my set up, so wil lhave to listne whenever it posts) "Al-Amoudi I will try and find more links and more bio info when I have free time... Maybe should drop this spoiled brat in Russia (or maybe Ukraine ) or any country where the descendants of thos ewho had to suffer for her beloved "idea" may dispose of her properly..
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- anti-white
- marxism
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Hello everyone Recently a Moroccan Atheist got his YouTube live streaming activity suspended and one his satirical video about Salomon deleted without any rational explanation given to him. This has become a trend that YouTube is censoring free speech and criticism of Islam especially within the Ex-Muslim community as they regularly receive strikes and sometimes get permanently banned from YouTube for criticizing Islam. It is possible that the Youtube arabic team of moderators act out their personal feelings and ban some contents based on their personal beliefs and emotions instead of community guidelines. This has become a very dangerous trend as many Ex-Muslim arabic and non arabic speaking are being censored and permanently banned from YouTube. Atheism in the muslim world is on the rise and during the last 5 years tens of millions of individuals men and women have left Islam to Atheism or converted to other more peaceful religions in secrecy. These people live like strangers in their own countries some of them are ostracized by their families, threatened and sometimes killed for leaving Islam. Internet and Social medias are their only outlets for free expression as they are isolated within their societies. It is also important to mention that this increasing trend of people leaving Islam has got some Islamic governments and clerics very worried of losing their credibility and power over people. Muslims especially radicals consider Internet and freedom of expression as the biggest threat to Islam and they are influencing Facebook and Youtube to censor and ban content that uncovers the dirty hidden secrets of Islam. I am linking to this Moroccan Atheist video down below. Please support him by liking his video (in english) and sharing it with everyone interested in this topic. We need more people like him! Thanks a million! Video title: Youtube Strikes Again! Channel name: Kafer Maghribi (translates to Moroccan Infidel)
Hi everyone, I am really sick of hearing and saying 'not all of them are like that' when it comes to bringing up anything about terrorism or Islam. I've personally stopped but catch myself doing it from time to time and I annoy myself. lol But when I hear it I do an internal eye-roll like....yes...we get it...they all aren't like that and we all have an IQ abov 90 to understand that....speaking in aggregate is just that....aggregate. But I still felt unsatisfied about there has to be more data out there to make a clearer distinction so we know WHO are like that...if there is a way to even tell. So Sunni make up the majority of he Muslim far. But what's interesting is that the FBI, from 1996 until 2008 published yearly data reports about terrorism around the world and in the US, of course. Obama was sworn in in 2009 and there has not been an FBI published report on terrorism since 2008. I sifted through the various data points and it's ALL sunni and they kill far more muslim civilians. As most of us already know. But I bad as Iraq was and the amount of dead bodies and mutlated bodies we left behind. I won't be surprised if the Sunni population is counting the death tolls THEY rang up (which from 2003 - 2008 I roughly calculated more than 165,000) and adding those to OUR numbers. That doesn't make it better...dead bodies are dead bodies of course but again...the data only goes to 2008 so that number, if consistantly around 15,000/16,000 per year as the FBI reported, then that is at the hands of Sunnis against other Muslims...likely Shias. Now we know in the past, the US was on a hunt for Communists in the US and black listing and such. unfortunately, because of theocracies where the religion is the state and the state is the religion, the ideology and religious law/sharia law of the Sunnis can be weasled out by claiming religlious freedom if the US were to actually hold a more firm skeptical eye of allowing Sunnis in. I am sure there are some crazy Shia but the Sunnis by FAR take the statisticaal cake on terroism around the world. I felt a bit 'empowered' by this information so that the next time someone says 'they aren't all like that' I can confidently say.... you are's mostly Sunnis. and frankly that is a helpful distinction. just as I don't want people to lump all Christians equal to that of Westboro or Mormons, I think Islam should be called out by their distinctions. Catholics, for example by FAR support gay marriage (64%) compared to any other christian group. They deserve credit for that...not be slandered as 'Christians are homophobic'. I think if we all do diligience on doing a better job fine-tooth combing and discerning which facets of the groups are causing the most harm, the more quickly we can advance and improve these violent and dangerous times.
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TL;DW: - NATO is obsolete and unfair to US taxpayers, also not specific enough to terrorism 4:40 - Probably wouldn't have RT'ed the unflattering photo of Cruz's wife if he had it to do over, yet wasn't "particularly bad". 6:30 - Michelle fields lied about the severity of the assault, therefore he won't fire and destroy his campaign manager. 7:50 - Supports Japan and south Korea developing nuclear defense, but prefers to just charge them for our current protection system 10:00 - "Will be looking at who the nominee is" regarding party support. "I release Ted Cruz, he doesn't have to endorse me". 12:30 Some interesting tidbits of information, yet the comment that most intrigued me was the last one. "I will beat them. After I beat them, I'm going to be so presidential, you're going to be so bored, you're going to say 'this is the most boring human being I've ever interviewed'." "I think that if I act very presidential it will be boring, but that will be fine." Does this mean that he is knowingly acting in an "offensive" manner in order to gain media coverage? Or is he just having fun? The world may never know.
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- trump
- presedential
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This is such a common argument among libertarians and the MSM. It goes something like, "Of course Islamists hate America, we're always invading and bombing their country!" Sounds valid, but how much water does this theory hold? I was reading an essay by Bruce Bawer called "Crisis in Europe", published by Hudson Review 2006 (link to article on JSTOR below), which puts forward an interesting answer to this question. In it he draws on the scholar Bernard Lewis, author of The Crisis of Islam: "It's not American imperialism or exploitation that provokes Islamists but rather the seductive appeal of American culture, their own attraction to [it] which appalls them.... while outright Russian imperialism--including the Soviet Union's harsh suppression of Islam within its borders--has been a far more detrimental factor in the lives of Muslims than anything America has ever done. Russia has been criticized by Muslim leaders far less than America has." Bawer's essay focuses on the topic of Muslim non-integration into European culture. For this reason alone, it's well worth a read. Here's more from Bawer:
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Is anyone else following this San Bernardino terrorist attack feel like they are living on another planet or took 10 hits of acid and are stuck in a Grateful Dead jam while watching the wizard of Oz? We just had the biggest terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11 and it feels like the media is afraid to even identify it. When the story broke the immediate response was obviously to blame white people and guns - another "maladjusted angry white man (or "bouy") mass shooting". When the name of the killers came out as being obvious Muslim names, all of a sudden the story was changed to "work place violence" - how do you even make this shit up? More and more evidence is trickling through showing that they supported ISIS and were in contact with people in Syria who are likely also ISIS. Have we become that apathetic where an attack where 14 are murdered and 22 more are injured from being shot and it hardly raises any ire of anyone? OR is the media keeping a lid on this story in fear for what the black lash might be when people do find out they were just attacked again by radical Islam? OR What? Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this all, but let me know what you think.
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- San Bernardino
- islam
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I put this in another post but now believe it needs a thread of its own. In his prime time address to the nation about the terrorist attack in San Bernardino on 12/6/2015, President Barrack Obama claims that one of the steps we MUST do is to not allow people on some federal terrorist watch lists to buy guns. This is probably one of the most anti 2nd amendment regulations that could be constructed that does not ban guns outright. This is because one of the central reasons for the 2nd amendment was to allow the population to defend it self from a tyrannical government - well guess what tyrannical governments call people that try to defend themselves against it? Terrorists. Not only would this give the government the ability to subjectively remove rights from citizens, but this law would neuter the 2nd amendment during any rebellion, or insurgent situation, because anyone standing up against the government would be deemed as a terrorist and be subject to the removal of rights and extreme government retaliation.
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- gun control
- 2nd amendment
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I'd be really interested to see Stef's take on this.
Lots of people encourage you to do your own research and form your own opinions about current political events. Not to follow the main stream media without question ..... Which is great but this is so time consuming, especially if you work long hours and have kids. Also difficult when you need to double check that what you read is not a hoax and is accurate. It's also somewhat confusing as to how it all fits together. This was supposed to be the media's job!Nonetheless I did much research & managed to take lots of notes over the last year, specifically on US terrorism and legislation. I thought that it might be useful to share it with others to help save them time & effort - I added links to neutral sources where possible, like wiki. see attached's a whopping 70 pages long, but full of facts about what events occurred when, what laws have been passed and what were the key points etc.... I try to be neutral, but may not always succeed. Contents: INTRODUCTION: Key axioms Useful Historical Quotes Overview Leaders are often sociopaths, narcissists or psychopaths Before you read this understand what kind of person you are 1789 United States Constitution BACKGROUND: on tyranny and dictatorships How to set up a tyrannical government: How a tyrant can manipulate the population How the tyrant can exterminate populations (Nazi’s, Stalin, , ) Storm clouds are building. How to keep big projects secret . Objectives: A new world order? New world order organizations A HISTORY OF EVENTS - THE FACTS Inconvenient facts about the US and terrorism USA Govt past deceit / conspiracies / false flag events pre-1990 Terrorist attacks & wars 1990+ Key new legislation since 2001 Gun control laws Proposed legislation Comments on US departments / services / organizations Anecdotal evidence & other considerations Problems in the US De-industrialization Huge debts Federal Reserve Budget deficits Massive unfunded pension and medical liabilities End of the USD as the reserve currency Income inequality Conspiracy stuffDo what you like with these notes. A_History_of_Events_2013.doc