Hjernevask (Brainwash) is a Norwegian popular science documentary series that aired on Norwegian television in 2010. The series was produced by Harald Eia and Ole Martin Ihle, and was completed in seven episodes consisting of interviews with Norwegian and foreign researchers who have different views on the nature versus nurture debate.
Ihle has stated that the pair initially planned to make a TV program about the biology associated with Darwin year, but Steven Pinker's controversial bestseller The Blank Slate convinced them to "go a little deeper into the biological basis for the difference between people".[1] 2010, Eia received the Fritt Ord Honorary Award "for, through the programme Brainwash, having precipitated one of the most heated debates on research in recent times."[2] ~ Wiki
Brainwashed Science on TV Creates Storm, 2010
"What Eia had done, was to first interview the Norwegian social scientists on issues like sexual orientation, gender roles, violence, education and race, which are heavily politicized in the Norwegian science community. Then he translated the interviews into English and took them to well-known British and American scientists like Robert Plomin, Steven Pinker, Anne Campbell, Simon Baron-Cohen, Richard Lippa, David Buss, and others, and got their comments. To say that the American and British scientists were surprised by what they heard, is an understatement."
The ("Brainwashing") - English - Part 1 - The Gender Equality Paradox, video: