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  1. To all the hurt and broken people who have called in to speak to Stefan, I want to offer a gift, from a religious prospective to those victims. In podcast 2563, timecode: 26:55 - 31:40, Stefan spoke to a 22-year old who was taunted, and teased by classmates. Stefan said he has seen those who teased, taunted, and hurt him fall into ruin in later life. I agree, I've seen the same in my life experiences. I'm older than Stefan. He said God has nothing to do with it, but I disagree. Those people in the workplace who have protected their job by bearing false witness against me, have to this day become imprisoned and brain rotted in the very job they once valued enough to lie and slander to defend. Some have even come down with disability that ended their careers. I have no voodoo dolls and haven't prayed for their demise. My belief is that It is God carrying out justice. Former Vice President Dick Cheney, who help plan the invasion of Iraq that murdered so many innocent Iraqis, has had multiple heart attacks but still isn't granted the mercy of death. Former President George W. Bush who weaseled the U.S.into launching the Iraq war and occupying that nation through his terms in office, is under "house arrest" so to speak in the U.S. and has aged considerably. Many the U.S. troops that contributed to the slaughter in Iraq, if not physically disabled for the rest of their natural lives, are suffering for PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Forgiveness, in a Christian sense, isn't shaking hands and making up with the one(s) who have victimized you. It is trusting God to do the punishing so that you can live your life without the trauma of vengeful anger and hate. It is also seeing how cleverly God turns bad things into good for all those who believe. I have seen that miracle more often than the former because I disassociate with evil people and put them behind me. It's also comforting to know that in your darkest moment in life, Jesus knows the truth and is with you to see you through.
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