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  1. Earlier this week I was thinking about how taboo Nazism is in Main Stream America. Rightfully so. The Nazi's killed millions of people, we as a society should look down upon these actions, PERIOD. However this is not the case. If society truly believed we should condemn mass murderers, we wouldn't see people wearing Sickle and Hammer shirts or flying a Soviet Flag down the streets of New York. The Soviets killed and imprisoned 2 to 3 times as many people as the Reich ever did. So why do we have a double standard? For some reason there is a global understanding that Nazism is a Right Wing Ideology. I could not find a good definition of the Right, they either pertained only to the Republican Party or included name calling (Racist). Most definitions however stated that the Right Wing is opposed to Big Government and Socialism. If the Nazis where indeed Right Wing they would be small government Capitalists but, we all know this is not the case. Nazi is the short way of saying National Socialist. And we all know what a socialist is! THE LEFT! For some reason "our stupid monkey brains" think "ooh mi thinks nazi iz rite wing cuz day hate Komunzim (and a bearded professor says so)". The reason The USSR and Nazi's hated each other was because they differed in the opinion of the means to end. USSR wanted global socialism for all, Nazi's wanted global socialism for Aryans. Plus, there cant be two Authoritarian super powers bent on world domination! So, WWII ended with the fall of the Reich and then 46 years later the Soviet Union collapses. These dystopian human experiments are condemned by all nations of the world for their evil, and we move on as Free Capitalist Societies... because the loser doesn't write history. NO! Or at least not really... "Nazism is Evil because it is some how Right Wing and because it is Right Wing it is Racist and .... Republicans are in fact sexist and racist! Therefore, we should vote Democrat because Communism/ Soviet Socialism is a glorious experiment that has never been tried." "Well didn't they try it in Russia?" "No, because that wasn't real communism and this is America and it will be better." ~ Every conversation with a Leftist I have ever had. Congratulations USSR you are the first loser in history to WIN! If any one could direct me to, or provide me with some non-biased factual information about the psychology for this ridiculous phenomenon that would be very helpful. This has really been bothering me lately... Why do we hold this double standard?
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