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  1. Who is Nikola Danaylov? From the about on his website: Philosopher, infopreneur, blogger and popular podcast host, Nikola Danaylov was born in Bulgaria. ... ... For the past 4 years Nikola has published and edited over 600 articles and conducted more than 120 interviews with the world’s best known experts. He has spoken at public events on topics ranging from technology, transhumanism and the technological singularity to new media, blogging and podcasting. Nikola has also been interviewed himself for numerous documentary films, blogs, podcasts, magazines and newspapers. His own Singularity 1 on 1 interviews have been featured on international TV networks as well as some of the biggest blogs in the world such as io9 and BoingBoing. Today Singularity Weblog is the biggest independent blog on related topics. The unique Singularity 1 on 1 podcast is the most popular and widely recognized interview series in the niche and, according to Prof. Roman Yampolski He has interviewed many notable people such as Ray Kurzweil, Noam Chomsky, Aubrey de Grey, and many others. interviewed Peter Joseph in July of this year. Some of it clarifies that the Zeitgeist movement is a collectivist system. The youtube video of the interview is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcyDxNic1ao
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