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  1. Greetings from Egypt. I'm not sure if any of you actually know what's been going on in here. I stopped watching the news for so long now, not to mention international media. But it won't matter cause it's all cooked for the whole world to shut up and yet interior politics is the definition of circus. I mean we already know who is the new president and he's being worshiped here, not because of his good deeds or morals or what he did for this country, cause he's done nothing, and I mean it, big far zero. The only thing he's capable of is acting in front of the camera, and that's what he did ever since the coup. It's unbearable living in here, you have no freaking idea, I isolated myself from all kinds of hassle but it fins its way to you. I mean, it's very normal to hear gun shots, bombs, you name it on daily basis. It's very normal to see a crime right in front of me, supervised by the police. Logic is so fucked up and twisted I can't freaking talk or hear anyone, it's the modern version of Animal Farm, only uglier. I don't wanna turn this into a venting post. I just thought that Egypt would make a great podcast material. I've done my share of research, reading, observing and writing. I can walk you through it.
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