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Found 3 results

  1. Does Stef see these messages? I am noticing that Malcolm X is starting to come up a lot in discussions surrounding race relations in the USA as of late, and I thing a Truth About Malcolm X would be a great video to see. Methinks the celebration of this figure is far more misplaced than the celebration of MLK, and we can see how flawed MLK is.
  2. I'm trying so hard to express empathy but my irrationality keeps surfacing. I feel like my words are hurting others. I just realized I'm talking about myself again. I am still concerned for everyone that trys to get close to me. I feel volatile. It's like everytime another person on this forum expresses theirself I can feel a part of myself trying to attack them. I can see this and it takes me many times to write how I am feeling. What I have compiled is that I should write down what I say before I write it. I am not looking for your alls approval asking this but maybe I am. Is this a safe place? Is that what I should be doing to prevent myself from harming myself and others? I feel strange. Wow that sounds so bad saying that. Maybe I should Not post again on here until I get therapy.
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