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  1. Hi folks, recently a woman whom I have known since the first of this year revealed to me she was attracted to me and was fairly aggressive in her pursuit of me. This is the first time this has happened that I recall. I have a casual working relationship with this woman. Her husband is much older and his health is very bad. Lets call her Dolly. Her home life sounds like taking care of the elderly in a nursing home. Dolly has a little jewelry shop in a store run by another woman I'll call Stephanie. I run a small business next to Stephanie's. Both of these women are religious statists. I am not the type to flirt generally, and I never would unless I found the flirtee attractive. I have no attraction to either of them and they are both married anyways. Dolly & Stephanie have been friends for at least 10 years. The first hint I had was an email Dolly sent me saying "the next time you see me just kiss me damn it". I replied with a ? I thought I had missed something in one of her earlier emails. Dolly came over to my business just before closing time when nobody was there with me, and wanted me to play a CD. As it began to play she asked me to dance and I said what? As she moved towards me I moved away and said I can't dance with my limpy leg. I kept turning away to avoid her. She finally gave up. I've been on the other side of similar situations and know how much it hurts to be rejected that way, so I am empathetic to her position. But I felt very uncomfortable. All three of us often sit around a table when business is slow to have a quick sandwich or coffee and talk about trivial things or community activities usually. They typically find something to do whenever I talk about real issues or question the rationality of their statements. Dolly is always trying to do things for me, like make me lunch or cut my hair, or buy me a soda. There is an awkward silence whenever Stephanie leaves the two of us alone at the table. I asked Dolly the day after she asked me to dance if she has told anyone about her attraction to me and she said no. I believe she hasn't told Stephanie b/c Stephanie takes her religion more seriously than Dolly and her behavior would probably not go over too well. Plus Dolly's jewelry shop is in Stephanie's store. But they do have quite a long history so Stephanie may know. I feel a tension to ask Dolly why she feels drawn to me (they both know I'm no longer religious and how much I think the state is morally wrong) or why she thinks there's hope I'll ever be attracted to her, but I'm uncomfortable and afraid my questions would be misconstrued as romantic interest. So I'm posting this here to see what the FDR community thinks and hear any comments you may have on my situation. What would you do in this situation?
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