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Found 2 results

  1. Hi everyone I'm not too familiar with modern psychology theories, especially in regards to mating, I've listen to a bit of JP talks, and there is a question I've been wondering about for some time now... Is the modern dating/marriage/mating scene in the west, trending towards becoming more like the mating behaviors of domesticated animals / cattle? I'm not a farmer, and know very little about how breeding process actually works, but correct me if I'm wrong: the male to female ratio among domesticated bovine is something like 1 to 20 or even 1 to 50. For example, a dairy farmer would keep one bull (male) to breed with 30 of his cows (female). The rest of his male bovine are discarded and turned to beef or veal in a few weeks or in a year. Or their skin would be used for leather. In the past they had use for them, as they could be used as draft animals, pulling machinery, but today with large machinery and tractors they're not needed for work. Some of them would be castrated. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Here's a site recommending the 1 to 20 ratio https://u.osu.edu/beef/1999/03/10/mating-capacity-of-bulls-bull-to-cow-ratio/ Similar ratio for rooster (male) to hen (female) which is 1 to ~12, correct? Anyways, wondering if the modern mating scene is very similar: 1 man getting mating opportunities with 20-50 women and this man would be what JP would call - alpha and the other male humans are "discarded" - they are called beta Has there been any books on this phenomena- comparing it to domesticated farm animals? If this phenomena is really true today, I guess the old adage is correct: "you are what you eat" haha
  2. The term "Alpha Male" often comes up in many threads, particularly here. At first, it seems obvious to me what an alpha male is... but then I realize I can't come up with any real life examples to help me build a solid definition. Additionally, it seems to me that everyone is using the term differently... sometimes it's to describe a jerk of a man, or a meat head, or an aggressive man and sometimes an assertive man, or just a physically attractive man. These all are very different, so I was wondering, how do you define alpha male? It would also help to define beta male, as I've heard lots of claims about beta males on the forum as well. Again, it seems to carry many different definitions. How do you define beta male?
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